Online Read Aloud Site?

I thought this falls under learning to love to read and love stories.

Can anyone recommend a good site for read aloud books (books on tape)? Or a story hour? I am looking for something for my soon to be 2 year old to have a little independent quite time. I am also looking for these stories to not be mainstream character-based (i.e. Disney, Nickelodeon, Etc.). I have an iPod touch that I could stream them for her with toddler headphones so she won’t need access to a computer. I also would like it to be spoken word only. No images to go along with the story. Thanks for any help in advance! :smiley:

A quick search turned up It includes pictures and text to read along, but I would just right click on it and do “save as” to save the Mp3 only to your computer. I also found, and . There are also tons of stories available through Tumblebooks in case you change your mind or for other learning times, but they do have images.

You mentioned kids’ headphones, do they have a volume regulator on them? Hearing loss due to excessive volume is an issue with headphones, as well as cords they are so near to the neck. For that reason I would be extra careful with a 2 year old and only use them while supervised and not for falling asleep. In the afternoon, 2 year olds can be tired and may very well fall asleep during quiet time while listening to a soothing story. Just a friendly concern. :slight_smile:

Thanks TeachingMyToddlers!

We purchased toddler-sized headphone for a plane ride and they do have an volume regulator on them. I always test them before putting them on her ears. In the afternoon we are both a little tired so we have cuddle time. Just sitting quietly worked for a long time but now she’s too busy to sit for more than a few minutes. I would like to start to read my own books and model reading during this time and have her cuddle next to me and “read” her books. So, under watchful eyes…no worries! :slight_smile:

Oh and I have an iPod radio dock that she can use in her room should she ask for the stories at a different time.

I kept a list of audio book sites that I came across here:

Thanks Shen-Li! What a great post and list of resources.