Online iq Test?

I hope I am posting this in the right place.

My 4 year old dd has Down syndrome & although her future school doesn’t fully realize, she is very advanced in reading, math, geography & a few other areas as compared to typical kids her age. On the other hand, she is somewhat behind typical kids in gross motor & speech.

I am told that because she had a diagnosis, she will be required to have a iq test done within the next couple of years.

My concern is that if, due to her language delay or even just if she happens to cooperate, the results may not be accurate. A low score sometimes let’s a school get away with not teaching a child as much as they are capable of.

A very high score could also be detrimental because she may lose any services like speech. I would rather this happens though because she has never gotten much speech anyways & we do our own neurodevelopmental program which covers the same areas as therapy would. The ND program is more effective anyways but I hate to close any doors just in case.

My husband & I have decided that we will refuse an iq test but we would like to be prepared in case we are forced to do it. In that case we would likely see if it is possible to get a private test done So we can have some control.

In the meantime, I would like to find a free online test that can give me a very rough idea of my dd’s iq. I have been googling but haven’t come up with anything too helpful yet. I am wondering if anyone knows if there is anything out there for an iq test that I can use to get a very rough idea.

As a footnote, I want to add that although I am seeking this information, I do realize that there are many other types of intelligence that are very important as well & the necessity of raising a well rounded child. I just like to be aware of the possibilities.

Thanks in advance:)