Online flash cards in traditional Chinese characters

Hi all,

This is my first post. Learning resources in traditional Chinese characters are hard to come by so I’m so excited when I came across to this wonderful collection of online flash cards and want to share it with other mom who choose to teach their children traditonal Chinese characters.

The flash cards include: choices of pronunciation methods (Mandarin phonetics aka bo-po-mo, pinyin, etc.), different categories (e.g. human body, animals, insects, musical instruments, etc.), audio, traditional characters with English meaning, writing characters stroke by stroke, pictures (drawings,to be more precise), sample sentence, games, print option.


Wow! The website looks terrific!!! Thank you so much for posting! Like you, I am always looking for educational materials in traditional Chinese for my 19 month old daughter. I always get so frustated and disappointed when I see really good books/DVDs on sale that are only offered in simplified Chinese here in the U.S. I have thought about ordering directly from Taiwan or Hong Kong but the shipping costs are prohibitive and most of them do not offer international shipping anyway. I am really excited to get home from work so I can explore the site further. Thanks again! :biggrin: