oh is it normal?

i started today to teach m kid five words using flash card
she is 16 months old
but she can’t sit without movements and playing ,(i turned the tv off,hide toys…)
and she tried to damage the cards
is it normal???can i teach my hyperactive baby reading?
pls help…
i realy want to teach her…

That is totally normal especially at her age. I used laminated cards to make them more sturdy and also so she could have them in the bath where she was more contained and moved a little less. Just keep showing them even if you do not have her full attention - some kids learn like that and especially toddlers or you can show them when shes in a high chair or car seat.

High Chairs work really well.Just have her sit in the high chair long enough for you to show her the flashcards.

I agree too, a high chair is great for showing cards/LR during snack time. Also, I have read that some parents laminated their cards and taught the child to put them in a bucket after they read and looked at each one.

thanks 4 all

but really i’m disappointed :frowning:
i made 5 flash cards
this is the fifth day
but my kid is not interested
and she didn’t read the words
just one time she say one word and she didn’t do it again,

i don’t know what to do…
i really really want to teach hear reading…
and i try to be fun and make it playful time when teaching her reading,
what is the problem???
my kid is so intelligent and she memorized a lot of things from songs and her books \

heeeeeeeeeeelp please… :frowning:

You are teaching her reading by showing her the flashcards. She is only 16 months old and because you want to teach her so much you are expecting her to be as excited as you are in the way that you can read it - she is learning but she is also 16 months old and her own person - maybe she learns best on the move, maybe she learns best not repeating back to you, maybe she is absorbing and it will take months before she shows you what she knows, maybe even a year. If her showing you she is learning is more important than teaching her then I would say stop cause you will only frustrate yourself and her. See it as two seperate things and then just teach - keep showing her the cards and expect nothing - don’t expect her to sit still she won’t, don’t expect her to be enthralled or even very interested, don’t expect her to treat your cards with respect, don’t expect her to show you she knows the words. Its sort of like when you pass a field of cows and say: Look at the cows. You don’t expect anything from your child, but she takes it all in and one day maybe many months on she passes another field of cows and perhaps says, “cows” or perhaps she doesn’t and no one is frustrated or hurt by it, but she has still learnt. You are doing everything right and your toddler is doing just what a toddler does - everything is normal and right. The only problem is that your expectations are not meeting what is happening so the only solution is to keep doing what you are doing and change your expectations.

Try to teach your baby when she is at her calmest moments, e.g: after having a bath or after her naps. That’s what I do with my 8 months old DS and it works most of the time.

I think many parents are afraid of going too fast, which allows the child to get bored. If you are doing flashcards, make sure you are flipping through them as fast as you can say the words - and as pp suggested, find a time when she is a little calmer anyways.

thanks all for your ideas…
i want to ask , which is bettrer making flash card or powerpoint shows?or both?
when to use pictures after the word ,when to use without picture?
i have many questions cause i teach my kid arabic language ,and there is no programe about this language
and i want to read a book abiut the whole idea of early reading but no such books in my city,
so can anyone tell me the steps ?

Assalamu Alaykum Sister,

To answer your questions:

1- Both flashcards and PPT are useful, but I’d say PPT is easier.
2- Within 1 session, you can use only words in the beginning, then multisensory (word + picture + video if available) and finally pictures. This is the way the first lessons in LR are made. I’d say download an LR free trial and you’ll get the idea.
3- I teach Arabic to my baby too, using LR that you can custom by translating the English files or by downloading ready made lessons on LR here: http://forum.brillkids.com/downloads/?cat=94

PPT lessons in Arabic are here:




4- You don’t necessarily need books, just use internet! You can find all the info you need here: http://www.brillbaby.com/
You can also take a look at my blog here: http://babyalbab.blogspot.com/search/label/Arabic

I hope this helps :slight_smile: