occupying child with something other than tv while you are busy

I love all the ideas on this thread!

I rotate DS’s toys so there is always a fresh box of toys or activities ready to pull out as needed. When I need to distract him or get him to play nicely by himself, I just pull out the “new” toys and he will play by himself for a good 30 minutes sometimes. I don’t keep many toys out at once – he has several low bookshelves that hold his toys, crayons, paper, playdoh etc rather than a toy box. I found that he doesn’t play with stuff that’s out of sight anyway. I saw some other posts that used Montessori ideas – this is actually a Montessori-style setup to have activities lined up neatly on shelves so each thing has its place.

I also sometimes let him draw on his plastic highchair tray with bath crayons – they wipe off very easily and it’s a treat for him. He still usually demands my attention from time to time (“look Mommy, I drew a cow!”) but it lets me cook dinner without him underfoot if other distractions are not working to keep him busy.

What a great thread!
Sorry to hijack the thread, but what are some of your ideas for occupying your toddler while you are trying to get ready?

My daughter likes to play the “Dress Mommy Game.” I let her rummage thru my closet to look for things for me to wear. In the meanwhile I get dressed. It occupies her for a long time because she ends up trying on lots of my shoes in the process. Then I just tell her that maybe I’ll wear her selected outfits tomorrow. I don’t have a shower solution. While I shower my daughter stands in the bathroom and cries. It’s awful so I take really fast showers. We also have brushing parties. My son and daughter get on their respective step stools so everyone can see the mirror then we all brush our teeth together. I rarely wear makeup so I can’t help you with that one.


Thank you Lori. It does not take me long to get ready, and I suppose some of it I can do the night before(pack his snacks and drink ect.). I always just feel so back asking him to give me a few minutes to get ready. I have always waited to take a shower until I get him to sleep at night because up until recently…Ronan would have reacted the same way as your daughter.