Nursery Rhymes in Foreign Languages

I am current teaching my son Chinese and everything is going great, but I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get Nursery Rhymes in Chinese and Japanese (which I plan to teach him in the future :happy: ) for him to listen to for pronunciation purposes as well as learning through music. I am not a native speaker, but I have been studying the language for a little while and I can now hold a conversation with my soon to be 1 year old :smiley: . Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and if anyone is interested I have lots of flascards that I have made for him such as body parts, opposites, and all of the words he has learned from watching his sign language DVD’s “Say It With A Sign”.

Thanks again!!

I had seen your message and interested to teach my one year old baby with the flash cards.If you are interested to send it across to me it will be a great for me.


I’d be interested as well! Thank you so much. I’m even more interested in the Chinese nursery rhymes. My husband is also learning but I’m not sure if he’s at the level of holding a conversation yet. Thanks again!

Thanks for the interest ladies!! I would have no problem posting what I have, the only problem is my files are too big and I am sure I will have to make them smaller before I post. My schedule is very crazy, but I will try to take care of it this weekend hopefully:)

FYI: For those interested in chinese flashcards, you can purchase them on ebay at for a good price. You can get the words alone or picture words:)

i would love to learn nursey rhymes in french for my son i thinks it a great way to teach