NSA visits Utah chinese immersion elementary school

Hey all,

This was an interesting article I stumbled upon and thought I’d share. For clarification for those unfamiliar with Utah history, the headquarters of the Mormon church is in Utah; therefore, there are a lot of Mormons who live here. At age 19 and 21 many of the young men and women in the church go serve missions around the world for 2 years, learning the language of the country they are serving in very well since they are fully immersed in it. Because of all the missionaries that have returned from missions and live in Utah, we have a high percentage of our population that speaks various languages. Foreign language immersion programs have been becoming more and more common in our state, usually teaching Spanish, French, and Mandarin. Here is the piece of the article refering to the elementary school, and the full article link is below.

"Not all of the NSA’s attention in Utah is focused on the computer science know-how of college students. NSA representatives from Washington were in Provo Friday to visit grade school students in the Chinese immersion program at Wasatch Elementary School.

While it might be a bit of a stretch to say the spy agency is recruiting among first-graders, the NSA’s expectations for its linguists require advanced language skills, and the agency is interested in the language programs Utah is offering in both elementary and secondary schools.

“The NSA doesn’t look at anybody unless they’re at a superior level,” said Gregg Roberts, the world language specialist with the Utah State Office of Education. Roberts was part of the group visiting Wasatch Elementary with the NSA.

The skills foreign-language students can have are expected to be above those gained from an in-country learning experience typical among LDS missionaries sent abroad. “These young kids are projected to be way beyond a returned missionary when they graduate from high school, at an advanced level of reading, writing and speaking,” Roberts said."


If that doesn’t speak of the power of early exposure to foreign language, I don’t know what does! I hope this brings more exposure to the idea of acquiring second languages early and and inspires other areas to build similar programs for kids.

I agree. I know we’ve had a lot of politicians from other states visiting Utah to check out our foreign language elementary school program, so hopefully other States start adopting similar programs and making them more widely available. Utah’s got a standard curriculum built around the languages now and it appears to be doing well. They do half day english, half day other language starting in 1st grade. My son is 3 and has been learning Spanish since he was a baby, but we’re thinking of doing the Chinese program once he hits school age. I called Wasatch elementary (the one in the article) a while ago to ask about their Chinese program, and one of the things they told me was that they’ve had returned missionaries (RMs) from manadarin speaking missions visit the kids in the Chinese program. The RMs are shocked at how well these kids can speak the language, and that their pronunciation is way better than the RMs. So, that’s 2 years in the country as an adult, vs. 1-3 years as an elementary age child (they’ve only had the program in place for 3 yrs so they have grades 1 through 3 that are doing it, each year they add the new grade as children move up)