Notebooking anyone?

We have decided to use note booking at the core of our homeschooling. I think pretty much every subjects can be notebooked. And it follows nicely with a Charlotte Mason philosophy. Or even a RC method. That is how I plan to use it.
The best site I have found for premade and blank pages is notebooking pages. She covers so much! Pages for geography, history, sciences. Lots of great ones for nature studies.
Right now they are having a sale on their lifetime membership, which really is a great deal. I have provided a link below… If is my adfiliate link for anyone interested in notebooking.

I am not trying to hawk a product… I hope it doesn’t seem like that. I just wanted to share the great deal. If the link is inappropriate please remove it.

Not at all inappropriate. THere are many homeschoolers here who would be interested. Perhaps some might even be interested in learning what note booking is. I love the idea myself. I would use it as a way to give the kids writing some structure and purpose if I was homeschooling.

Notebooking will be at the core if we do go fully into homeschooling. It is basically like journaling.
All subjects can be notebooked or journaled.

I believe the best way to become a competent writer is to write a lot. It worked well for quite a few homeschooling families, such as the Robinson family.
Their homeschool schedule is pretty simple, but effective. They did math for 2 hours, read for 2 hours and wrote every day.
I plan to do something similar with James. During reading time he will cover an array of subjects in a sequence, following the classical model. He will then be required to fill out a notebooking page. Every 3 or 4 years he will revisit these subjects with more intensity.
During the early grades he will mostly be doing copy work. During the middle grades he will be writing more informative essays. And more persuasive and argumentative essays in the higher grades.

I love the notebooking pages site because it has hundreds of already designed notebooking pages that are blank, or have guided information that needs to be filled out. For example the country pages have blank spaces to fill in the currency. Information about the flag, population, languages and other relevant facts and data.
I plan to keep all of my son’s school notebooking in binders so that he will be have a portfolio of all his work.
I know that I loved being able to go back and read over my old schoolbooks and refresh my mind about things that I had leant that year. It would make me want to look at something more in depth. I hope my son will feel the same and appreciate his education.

Thanks for the link. I recently started notebooking with DD(5.5) - she is very imaginative and likes to be allowed to do her own thing which is why just printing out a whole load of notebooking pages and then letting her choose what she wants to use works for her. Since she is still working on neat handwriting I have found pages that use handwriting lines helpful for her. I am still playing around with it to find out what works for her - sometimes I will just let her write whatever she likes and draw a picture and other times I get her to write on something I am reading to her, still other times I will have a page where she must fill in the blanks and also draw pictures. At the moment notebooking for her is more about writing something than about other subjects, but I suspect I will link it more as she gets better at writing.

The home school is important for young children. :yes: :nowink: