not very FUNny - still succeeded in teaching?

Hi all,

Everywhere I can read that maybe the most important things in teaching young children is to make it funny for them. I know that FUN ist very important for learning, too. But I am not a funny type of person and I can’t introduce so much fun for my child while showing them words etc. (tried it 2 months).

Has anybody the same problem? Did you succeed anyway?

I don’t believe you have to be funny to make it fun for your baby. You can just show the words and play with your child the way you’d normally play with him/her. I think the secret is use sing-song voice when showing the flashcards, smile a lot at her and after, give her a cuddle and tickle her or whatever she likes. I felt rather silly initially especially since I wasn;'t even sure she had a clue of what i was doing,but I just persisted and once I saw the reaction from her and how much she looked foward to the sessions, I felt less and less silly and got more comfortable.

I think it’s very important to make it as much fun as you can, look at it as an opportunity to bond and play together otherwise you’re both tensed up and it becomes a chore and the baby would sense that and won’t learn much.

In summay, there’s no definition of ‘fun’ just do what comes natural and reward her with lots of hugs and kisses.

I agree, I don’t make it funny but do use the sing song voice and we clap our hands and say hurray after each set of cards. She loves that. I might also tickle her or bounce her etc to make it fun.

Being funny does not mean to be like a clown from circus.

I think it means that you dont show boring things and don’t sleep during sessions. But you show love to your child all the time and you have the same atitude like you are shoving a new toy.

I am not a funny person but if I show a material prepared by myself than I feel that I am proud to show it, and my child feels my enthusiasm. If you don’t feel any enthusiasm about the material you are going to show than don’t do it :smiley:

For me it was impossible to show enthusiasm about the red dots :smiley:

If you don’t feel enthusiasm about the words - show words with pictures. prepare your materials yourself. choose things you like.

Thanks you a lot for your posting, it’s reassuring me:).

That’s a good tip, I will keep this in mind.

Thanks again for sharing your experience. OK, I’ll try to make fun even it’s silly at the beginning.

I am a really really bad singer and my sing song voice is bad, too. We do all the things with LR/LM. But actually, I stopped for a while because I found that the lessons should be more funny for my kid.

Frukc, I invested much money buying the math kit with the red dots… and after a few day my daughter hates it, too :(. But I will try - again a great investion - Little Math next.

I think we should also be relaxed about the “timetable / scheldure” of learning. After reading the Doman’s book I was so fascinated. I spent a lot of time to do the boardcards and I tried to follow strictly the timetable (3-5 sets / 5 words / show each set 3 times a day), but soon I noticed the given timetable was too exhausting for me and the words were bored for my child, too. Even though I am a full-time mother and have only 1 little child, but I don’t know where the time goes. Now I am more relaxed, with the Little Reader I show all playlists at once, 2-3 times a day.