Not even 2 weeks into the school year and I am already frustrated! grrrrrrrr!

Okay so my dd went off to school last tuesday with no problems what so ever but came home with level 15 readers and she left the preschool on lvl 26. I wrote a polite note to the teacher saying where S left off and I would like her to be kept at that level. She was reading Magic Ballerina over the holidays in fact she completed 6 of the books. I get that S is a bit behind in Maths but that is largely because she is so stubborn when it comes to learning maths but still ahead for her age, she also can write but refuses to.

But the reading gives me the poos. Apparently according to her teacher (This is the note I got today)

I realise that Sophia is a very capable reader. I am letting her choose her own readers as ‘reading for enjoyment’ and is relevant to her psychological phase of development - NOT to the constraints of RR Levels.

Now am I over-reacting? This is a private Montessori school which my husband and I pay $6500 for my dd to go there. Do you know how much awesome curriculum I could buy for that price if I was homeschooling? I am beginning to feel I am paying for an expensive baby-sitting service. SOOO FRUSTRATING

My husband says we need to give the school at least 2 terms to a year before we make the decision to homeschool and He said I need to be prepared to do the work as he is not interested in schooling them himself (no surprise there) + he has to work.

Need advice PUH_LEASE before I lose it. >:(

Kimba :wacko:

So am I right in assuming this is her first official year of school? If so then I completely understand the teachers point of view ( I said I understand not that I agree completely! :biggrin: ) if its her second school year ( grade 1) then get down there and give them a push!
Ok so here is the teachers thinking. A child who turns up to kindergarten already reading at an end of grade one level is 2 years ahead of her peers already. She obviously has parents who care and will continue to extend her educational t home reguardless of what we offer here. The alternative thinking is " oh dear the poor kid, pushy parents much!" Which probably isn’t the case in private school or montossori. :slight_smile: she needs to spend some time reading for enjoyment and consolidating her skills. Allowing her to choose books is one way to ensure she doesn’t get bored of doing the readers before they finish testing her and signing her off on the whole set.
I have seen kids in her shoes refuse to read anything before the year is out because they got stuck reading levelled readers that were entirely inappropriate material for a child so young.
I would see this as a potential blessing. They care enough to give her some choice for one. They know she is a capable reader. She has already been tested and its only week 2 ( only 1 of my 3 kids have been tested so far!)
In your shows I would probably ask to be completely excused from classroom reading and provide your own books for her to read. That way you can select books you think are challenging yet age appropriate and she isn’t wasting time reading crap. In negotiating with the teacher I would ask that you or her prescreen some of the books on the higher level for content and provide Sophia with 2-3 books a term at her reading level. That way you can be sure they will continue to test her each term ( which they won’t if she isn’t doing levelled readers each week) and she will still have access to the books at the right level to extend her reading. As well as not have to worry about her “psychological phase of development” which is just the teachers way of saying " sorry we don’t have any good books for level 26 reading 5 year olds.
If its her second year of official school ( grade 1) then pull her out and home school, you are in the wrong school or with the wrong teacher.
For the record prep/kindy teachers are very good at fobbing off over zealous parents so you need to go in with some sort of plan and suggest it with some backup ideas or proof. Get her reading the yesterday’s classics books instead of the crappy readers if you can :yes:

Oh Mandab,

Thank you thank you very much. I’m still so frustrated. They have put her up almost a year early at least I should be thankful for that. She is almost 4 1/2 and it is very rare that they even do that. Sophia seems to be enjoying and is coping well with the 9-3:30 days. Does not seem tired at all. Maybe because she is not challenged…? I will give it a year. It is very hard because I feel like I am watching her go backwards and I know it has already started because she normally can’t wait to read a chapter of Magic Ballerina to me she read her readers instead and when I asked her why. “Because their easy Mummy”

SIGH didn’t think it was going to be such a battle especially in a Monti school.

Wow, level 26 readers, at 4.5 yrs that is so impressive.

I would be peeved too!!! Infact, I am peeved that DD came home with Level 2 readers and we finished last year on level 5. (we started EL Feb 2012, she started kindy this year) She also goes to a private school $15K pa and the whole point of this was because they teach at whatever academic level the child is. Really??

I don’t think you are overacting at all.

Here are some of my musings, so strictly my opinions.

If your daughter is doing well and considering the concession that has been made considering her age I would let it slide for a little, but not too long. :slight_smile: Just make sure she has the opportunity for reading more challenging material at home. I agree with Manda that the teacher might not have any books that are appropriate for her reading level and age. i also love Manda’s suggestion of providing books at school that your daughter would enjoy, and that you consider appropriate.

I honestly don’t think that there is anything wrong with reading below reading level. I do it all the time. I let my 3 year old son do it. There are so many books out there to read and enjoy. If I let my son read books at his current reading level there are so many gems that he will never have the chance to enjoy.