Nipple pain during breastfeeding while pregnant with the second.

I still breastfeed my 18 months old baby. 3 weeks ago I discovered I’m pregnant again. Lately, when I feed my baby I feel some sharp pain in my nipples. First, I thought that my baby could bite me, but then it happens each time now. It’s not strong sharp pain but it’s a little uncomfortable. I feel like something is pulling my nipples.

Anyone experience something like that? I’m going to a doctor soon so I will get some advice there. But I wanted to know if this is something normal and other mom had experience that.


Nipple pain was my first sign of pregnancy! I can only imagine how you must feel :frowning: It will get better though. Just try to hang in there.

Make sure the baby’s latch position is really good, it will help reduce nipple pain. I managed to nurse all the way through my second pregnancy, some times it was quite irratating. Check out for lots of breast-feeding advice.

Hi Martusia

I’ve only just noticed this thread.

I also experienced this pain when I was pregnant and breastfeeding, especially the first 4 months then it seemed to be not as noticeable after about 16-18 weeks (or maybe I just became accustomed to it.

From other breastfeeding Mums I have found that it is quite common. Kellymom is a good resource but I also found the Australian Breastfeeding Association very useful.

This is exactly what is happening when I feed my 10 month old now that I am pregnant.

Thanks for those links heyblue and Marmee, I will go and check them out now.

I am having this problem too. I talked to the lactition lady at the local hospital and she gave me a nipple shield and some lansinoh lotion to help. It really does seem to work too! the sheild keeps my nipples from feeling like they are getting bitten off and the lansinoh helps in between feedings. I have also been trying to keep my daughter on a feeding schedule, not a strict one, just within about an hour or so of regular feeding times. And when it really hurts i mix a bottle with really watery baby cereal for her and she loves it.

The discomfort is due to the changes in hormones in your body so there isn’t a whole lot you can do about it. Aside from lanisoh you can also try Bepanthen - I used that - which you apply on your nipples after every feed. It’s safe for consumption so you don’t have to wipe before nursing your baby.

The level of discomfort experienced while bf during pregnancy varies from individual to individual. For instance, for me it was just uncomfortable all the way through the pregnancy but the discomfort remained fairly stable all the way through. For my friend it was agonising and she found it got worse as the months progressed.

When I decided I was going to continue to bf throughout the pregnancy I read up as much as I could about it just so I knew what to expect. Sometimes just being prepared helps you get through it - you know what they say about how if you prepare for the worst you might be surprised that it actually isn’t as bad as you imagined. KellyMom is excellent! I have also read that it gets worse particularly from about the fifth month onwards because that’s when your milk changes. Perhaps because the quantity decreases and is aggravated by your toddler trying to suckle harder to get more. What you can do is try to supplement your toddler with some other fluids before nursing so that your toddler nurses more for comfort than to get milk and will not feel so frustrated by the reduction in milk quantity.

If you want to continue bf throughout the pregnancy but find the pain unbearable, try doing something that will distract you. For my friend, it was her iphone which she used to help distract her mind while her son was nursing.

Good luck!

I am having a hard time with this right now too. My 10 month old doesn’t bite but it feels like she is. Every time she latches on I want to scream. Where can I get one of those nipple shields? Do i have to see a Lactition nurse or can I just order one on the internet or something?

you can get the nipple shields online at be careful though because your baby could get dependent on them so that you can’t feed with out it. only use it if you have to.

also, make sure your baby doesn’t have thrush. thrush will cause nipple pain shooting back into the milk ducts. In the baby it shows up as white patches in the mouth that dont wipe away, in mom it shows up as a red/inflamed nipple area sometimes peeling (like athletes foot) it is a yeast overgrowth infection transferred from baby to mom and vice verses. usually if she has it, you have it too. the doctors give you a topical antifungal cream (athletes foot medication) to wipe on but i just used garlic oil and it was gone in a day. either way, make sure you wash fully before nursing 'cause you don’t want baby to get sick from the medicine or get burned by the oil.

good luck!