Night terrors

Has anyone experienced these with their children. They are anything but fun. My daughter has started waking up every night and screaming in a disquieting manner. She has never slept through the night, and this in a 19 month old, but this is something different. Even after I’ve breastfed her she is crying, and looks bewildered. How long will this last? Any suggestions? I read that it’s similar to sleep walking and that it is better not to do anything, since picking the child up might end up scaring them further, but this seems conterintuitive. Thanks,

MY Mama used to say that when kids are too happy during the day, laughed too much and screamed too much in excitement and fun, will end up having nightmare. maybe not too much playtime before bed will help reduce the nightmare?

@ liza: My daughter started having night terrors 2 months ago (she was 27 months old then) and she would wake up screaming 30 minutes after falling asleep, during naptime and at night. Nothing would console her, not even nursing. This went on for about 2 weeks and just disappeared on its own. We never did figure out what triggered them (she was not teething or sick, we did not have any changes in our routine, etc) and we also never knew what we did to make them go away. We did notice that the episodes went on longer if we tried to rouse her and she would wake up scared and confused. If we just let it run its course, she would quiet down sooner and would fall right back to sleep. When I ask her about it in the morning, she says she does not remember being scared and that she did not have a bad dream. We did notice that it tended to occur when she is more tired or when she went to bed later than usual. Maybe just make sure your dd is not overtired? Sorry I cannot be more helpful than that - just wanted to let you know that this, too, shall pass. :slight_smile:

@ reei: Funny, my mom and grandma used to say that to us all the time when we were playing too boisterously! I think it is an old Chinese superstition…hahaha! :biggrin:

Thanks so much. Last night it didn’t happen, although she did wake up every two hours and I had to nurse her. It might be the teeth too, when in doubt, blame it on the teeth. And yes, I know that this too shall pass. I don’t think it’s directly related to playing too much either. Oh well, we’ll see what happens next.