Night Terrors

Andrew has never slept well; but lately he cries, screams and fights in his sleep. Anyone else having night terrors? I feel so bad but he is screaming with his eyes closed. It can go on for what seems 1/2 hr.

I understand how you must feel - I have a three year old son who did the same, and it lasted for a week.

We consulted our doctor and he said that all we should do is to help our son go back to a calm state of sleep. We turned the lights on to give him a bit of security, and used soothing comments. The doc specifically said to avoid making our son feel any more stressed than he already was.

He also said that sleep deprivation might have been the trigger for his night terror episodes, and that we should take care that our kids not be allowed to become overtired. We’ve made him take naps in the afternoons to help, and since then the night terrors never came back.

My son gets these sometimes. I usually will just hug him some and they will stop, or if they don’t I will pick him up and rock him. He talks in his sleep anyway, so I thik that probably makes him more prone to these.

Thanks! I wasn’t sure if I should wake him up or not. He also talks in his sleep. Sleep deprivation is so hard on everyone!

If he has a frightful experience (even if it does not seem like it to you, getting picked on by other kids) That can set them off also my sister noticed that if she or her hubby were having bad thoughts though out the day their doughter would have the night terrors but if they prayed before bed and tryed to keep their thoughts positive then they seemed to happen less offten. just my two cents