Newbie & need a little help

Hi! I just signed up today. I’m glad to find this website that can help me teach my child! With the forums I’ve read, I’m excited to teach my 2 y/o daughter to read. There’s so much information here that I’m a little bit overwhelmed. I hope someone can tell me how to get started. :unsure:

Hi, I know how you feel. It can be a little overwhelming when you first start.

I would recommend that you go to your country’s board and introduce yourself there. That way you can talk to people from your area.

The only other thing I can say is just look through any posts that are relevant to you and if you cant find one then make a new one :smiley:

Best of luck…

Thanks for the tip! :slight_smile:

Welcome, Petitmom,

Don’t forget to also check out this article, written specifically for those feeling overwhelmed:

Enjoy your stay!

Thanks for the welcome and the link. I just downloaded the e-book “Teaching Your Baby to Read”. With this kind of support…I know I can do this!
Thanks again! :biggrin:

hi! welcome to the forum.i am glad to see you here.i found this forum very
interesting and can ask any question that you wish to know,
more about .all the members here are ready to help,and share your experiences
too. hope to hear more from you…

Thanks Zaku! I agree that this forum is very helpful, I’ve already started downloading and hopefully I can start using it over the weekend. I will definintely share my experience with this. :smiley:

I know how you feel, I was totally lost the first time I log in.

This is the reply I received from Labby, I post it here, hopefully it helps:( I guess Labby won’t mind:P)

I’m happy that you asked me that question, since this is one of the most important topics a parent new to teaching should know. It’s quite easy to get a bit “overwhelmed” here, since everyone just seems so used to teaching their children.

I personally encourage you to have a read through of one of our websites: BrillBaby. Here, we discuss everything you need to know about teaching your child, how to start, what to remember, and even a review of several different products to help you teach. Although we at BrillKids also develop our own products, we would never pressure anyone into just buying them without knowing what they do, so please read through BrillBaby first so you can decide which teaching method and style is best for you and your baby. smile

To learn specifically about teaching babies how to read, please go here:

You’ll learn about the two methods you can use to teach - the flash card method (which takes advantage of right brain learning capabilities of children) and the multisensory method (incredibly fun and very stimulating for baby!) We’ve built all of our BrillKids learning systems to be able to use both methods, so you have more flexibility in your lessons.

I hope you enjoy your stay here, and if you have any further questions, I encourage you to write to us in the forum — this way, a lot of other parents will be able to answer you from their own expert opinions, and you’ll get more variations and experiences to help you through!

Happy teaching!


(Thanks to Labby again)

Welcome. Don’t feel overwhelmed. As you slowly navigate around the site you will learn. It’s fun and take your time. Happy reading. Also, don;t be afraid to ask questions you may have. Trust me I have asked some of the most obvious questions when I first started. lol

I know how you feel I’ve been there!! but the more practice the more experience you get…don’t worry.
good luck