Newbie confused with what to do - 15month old

Hi all,

I had no idea that such a community existed until a few days ago. I have a 15month old who has shown an interest in learning the alphabet - we just play with foam letters in the bath and have wall stickers. So I thought I would do some searching on what else to do and came across a load of stuff. I’m a bit overwhelmed and not sure where to start.

My daughter can recognise some upper and lower case letters and I’ve been showing her a few letters on Starfall and singing the little ditty from Letter Factory (B says buh etc) and that’s all so far. We watched the Letter Factory once but it doesnt keep her attention

So from here, I figured I had better:

  1. start some sort of whole word activity like LR or YBCR, with flashcards (physical or on screen)
  2. teach her the rest of the letters of the alphabet ?
  3. and the phonics? what is the best way of doing that. Do I need to wait until she knows every letter sound before doing Reading Bear?
  4. start putting my finger under the words when we read

I’m completely lost, please help

eta: her speech is quite good with about 250 words (single - only just starting to string words together)

Great plan, good work so far too!
Little reader is truly wonderful. Find out for yourself by downloading the free trial! I highly recommend it!
It does contain some phonics also as well as sight words. You can use it for years to come.
Continue teaching your alphabet phonics. Once you cover the 26 letters ( including the multiple sounds the vowels make and some letters too) then teach digraphs. If you google phonics you are bound to find all the info you need there!
You don’t need to wait until you do the whole alphabet to start reading bear. You can preview the lessons and ensure you have covered all the letters in that lesson or just play it anyway. The exposure to reading bear will help teach them the letter sounds anyway! Staff all is great for learning the alphabet so keep that one up. Doing a letter or two a day will have you done in no time.
Any more questions? We are happy to help :yes:

Thanks for your reply.

I downloaded the LR trial but the audio is not working properly on my computer. I posted in Tech Support but I dont know if they can help. It wouldnt install on one of our computers at all

I will do some more research into the phonics side of things as she seems to know quite a few already and is picking them up quite quickly. I tried the 1st Reading Bear lesson but it doesnt hold her interest at all, so we might look at the next Starfall lessons and see what they are like.

Are there any tips for letter confusion (eg h/n, c/o, m/w) or is it just a matter of keep on practicing? I’ve been trying to explain the differences but I’m not sure how well she understands, as she keeps on adamantly proclaiming it’s the other (incorrect) letter.