
Hello, everyone.My name is Alena. I live in UK and my baby daughter just turned 9 months. I was looking for early development programs and was so lucky to find this site and i am about to order the ful program Little Reader Delux +Math+Musician. We started to use the Little reader trial and Sofia loves it so far. I want to order the curriculum in English but i am native Russian speaker and wonder is there a curriculum in Russian.
Also i really want to make some flash cards with the paintings of the best artists but i cant figure out how do i make it and upload this to the site?
Thank you very much

Hi Alena and welcome to BrillKids forum! It is wonderful to have you here.

Yes, Little Reader is awesome early learning tool. Not only you will be able to get a full year worth of daily lessons with pictures, audio, video, but the potential for customization is amazing. You can adapt the ready-made curriculum to your baby and easily create new lessons as well.

Here are some nice tips on personalization:

I use Little Reader, Little Math and Little Musician with all three of my children :yes:

At the moment Russian curriculum is not available just yet. It is already developed and localized and we are in the process of producing it.

It is easy to create your own lessons in Little Reader, and once you get it you can experiment with it and we will be very happy to answer any questions you might have. For example you can create different art categories in Little Reader, as you show them to your daughter, then later when you have enough you can even arrange it in a course ( LR has function that helps you to arrange all your lessons in a course), and you can upload them into the lesson library here on the Forum to share them with other parents :slight_smile:

Here is a help article how to create new categories in Little Reader: You can use this method to create word and picture flashcards, etc. You can also use it to create knowledge categories. For example you can create a category with all the famous paintings of a certain artist. What you will do you will create each new slide with the name of the painting, then add the painting image to it.

I am creating LR art lessons for my children as well, so let me know if you have anymore questions about that!


Alena, hope you don’t mind me asking here…and Welcome!
My native language is Russian as well.

Skylark, do you know if I need to pay the full price for the Russian curriculum (when it is ready) if I already own LR in English?


Hi Olga,

So nice to have more native Russian speakers around – in our family we speak a few languages and Russian is one of them :yes:

On to your question, when Russian Curriculum will be ready you will not need to buy Little Reader again, just a curriculum to add to your present Little Reader, similar how you would buy Chinese Curriculum to add to your English Little reader, for example.

See, Little Reader comes with British or US English curriculum by default, and other languages come as a separate add on packs. At the moment to add Chinese or French curriculum costs 119 USD, so I would assume that Russian would probably be around the same price.

Hope it helps and never hesitate to ask more questions!

Also, there is a beta testing Russian Curriculum group here on the forum, and by helping with simple tasks towards finalizing the curriculum development, volunteers will get some discounts towards the curriculum when it is ready, proportionate to the amount of their help. For example at the moment we need words and sentences of the final Russian curriculum to be translated to English. This will be used by our development team ( non-Russian speakers) who will be matching pictures and videos to words and sentences, and also as an aid for parents who teach their children Russian using Little Reader, but are not totally fluent in Russian themselves. So if you would like to join and help to some extent, send me a PM and I will let you know what needs to be done.