OK! Do you make New Year Resolutions? Do you keep them? Do you have any tricks to help you keep them? Mine this year is start and finish and album for each of my 3 kids. I will start downloading pictures into shutterfly to work on them.

But my most important resolution is to spend more time with my kids! :biggrin:

my new years resolution is to show more gratitude.
gratitude for everything that i know regarding my kids and otherwise.
gratitude for this website as i stumbled on it by chance and if i didnt Sa’ad wouldnt be reading.
gratitude for my husband friends and family and the fact that i have the internet (so many people dont coz they cant afford it)

i am not going to whine about life

i am going to start exercising. my muscle tone has no tone at all and i am tired all the time. perfect time to start

i will be more positive and attract positive things
happy new year and good luck keeping yours

It is my resolution to be even more disciplined with my program …I am buying tweedlewink from Right Brain Kids - so excited!