new to this forum

hello everyone ,

Thank you for welcoming me . I have been looking at the website for sometime now. finally found the time to join. I have a 6 months old baby boy. Planning to start LR/LM for him. I am from Malaysia, looking forward to meet moms from here for more knowledge on early education.I have just gone back to full time work after being with my son for 6 months and already feeling as if i am neglecting him …Dont have enough time to spend with him … :frowning:


Hi Flowergirl

Welcome to BrillKids. :slight_smile: You will find so much information here about early education. Do not feel bad about going back to work especially since you are planning on making time to pursue an early education for your son. The BrillKids program is great it is spending quality time bonding with your child, the lessons do not take long at all and the effort required of you is very little since the BrillKids team has put together such an organized program.


hi Mela ,

Thank you so much …Just completing the trial set for liitle reader . really love the way the program is done and my son actually pays attention to the programme despite the fact he gets distracted very fast …:slight_smile: Will be getting the whole programme soon …the only time i can use the programme is at night because of my work .:frowning: Just want to know do you do it everyday or you give a break like every other day ?

Hi flowergirl,

The BrillKid brochure suggests that we do the lessons twice a day for atleast five days a week. Then on the weekends we can catch up with any missed lessons. Or you can continue showing the lessons through the weekend. I personally try to show my son the lesson twice a day mon through sat and give him a break on sunday. I feel that even though he loves the program after a break he pays even more attention. Some days get too busy with other activities so I can only show him one session or none at all. I always pick up with the last lesson we did not complete so I do not disrupt the order by having him catch up later in the week.
When my son seemed to be distracted I adjusted the lesson settings by putting the fonts and background color on random.
I know you are a busy Mom but if you ever get a chance I highly recommend you to browse through previous posts on this forum especially by aangeles she has had great success with her daughter and is an inspiration to many.

I truly feel for you having to go back to work, but if you are on this sight, I am sure that you are very dedicated to your child! Consider this: many mothers, even good mothers, that have the luxury of remaining home all day with their babies, are not offering their children the opportunities to them that you are to yours!
I started out EL with my child as an activity we could do together, and to give her a lifelong love of learning. A valuable gift, to be sure…and yet, it is the gift that she has given me that is so much more powerful! No matter how many hours per day you are required to be away from your child, they will gaze at you with the most adoring eyes, and beg for more of the EL that you are giving them!

You might also consider making your own videos, as we did, and customizing your program with your voice. If a carer is going to be regularly looking after them, record stories, video or audio, that your carer can share with them…

I actually went to the trouble of buying two copies of my child’s favorite books if I was away… I would then ‘join’ her for story time via Skype and our IPads! Maybe a bit over the top!
Anyway, you will be making up the time away from your baby in quality, not quantity, and the increased ability to provide for his/her needs.
Good luck!

hello, how’s everything in here?