New to the world of parenting

Hello everyone… I am a newbie when it comes to parenting. I have many nieces and nephews that I like to think I helped raise in a way however I have come to relieaze that its a whole new world when the child is your own. My beautiful daughter is almost 8 months old. We found out at birth that she has Mosaic Turner Syndrome. We are blessed that she dosent really have the physical characteristics of a TS girl but I am worried that she may fall behind in developmental areas. At 8 months she will roll all over the place but cannot sit up on her own. We work daily on this and she is improving. That being said I am still worried that she may fall behind in early learning skills as some TS girls do. So I joined hoping to help her along the way. Any advice is greatly appreciated. If any one else has a TS butterfly, I would love to hear your story.

Welcome on this journey! Have you read any of Glen Doman’s books? If not, that is a great place to start. I don’t have much advice to give other than that. Just wanted to welcome you here. You can also search through old threads on this forum using the search box. I think you will find a lot of useful information. :slight_smile:

thanks so much ill check it out