New to the group

Hi everyone, I have just joined and am hoping for some advice and tips. I have a 16 month old and I am thinking about buying Little Reader. I am using the Your Child Can Read dvds (by Robert Titzer Ph.D.) at the moment and she enjoys them but I like the look of Little Reader. Any feedback would be great. Also I would love to know more about the math and music course. Thanks. From Jaya Nubian

Hi Jayanubian and welcome to the forum!

YCCR DVDs are excellent, my son enjoyed watching them too! If you are interested in LR, it’s the perfect time to start using it, because:

1- at some point, your son will be done with the DVDs (though you may show them again once in a while for review, but not too often, as he may get bored)

2- you can show him the LR curriculum for review AND learning new words that are not in YBCR & YCCR

3- LR will offer endless learning opportunities, you can download hundreds of files from the LR library to teach Encyclopedic Knowledge, languages and more English vocabulary ( )

4- you can create your own lessons especially with the new version of LR that is FANTASTIC! You can find more info here:!/

Regarding LM , my son enjoys it a lot for the moment though he didn’t really wanted to watch it at some point. I just changed the icons according to his interests and always put the female voice :smiley: now he loves it!

Concerning LMs, we watch several lessons during the day, my son always asks for it and I can see he did a good progress in just a few months.

I hope this helps!

Hi Jayanubian,

How are things going? Have you had a chance to check out the Little Reader trial & e-books? (Red tab in the upper right hand corner, Little Musician and Little Math is available as well). I used YBCR in the beginning as well but we ran out of words, then I found LR so we could keep teaching. :slight_smile: Let us know!