New to Encyclopedic Knowledge approach

Would someone provide a short summary of Doman’s EK approach?

When do people typically start this technique with their LO’s?


P.S. DadDude, I read your suggestions for creating your own cards on any and all subjects under the sun! I may have even offered some topics myself earlier (I recall I thought spices would be a fun one). The fact that you encourage people to keep the accompanying text so basic even a toddler can understand makes me think I can even begin doing bit cards now.

Hi, mom2Ross

I don’t have his book here with me (at work).

when I did read it though,I remember that he repeated the card A LOT (as he does with his reading technique) and I question whether it’s necessary to repeat so much? I would think that that is developing the left brain more than the right brain.

I teach as follows:

  • If the BIT card has 3 facts on the back, I would flash the card three times only, each time telling one fact - so I would flash them on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and then retire them for at least 6 months until new neural connections have formed in the child’s brain and it makes sense to flash them again.

have you seen There are a HOST of BIT cards - ready made on there?

Sarah, I am very interested to know how you schedule your kid’s activities on the whole including EK, reading, music, math, etc.

Until now, I was following Doman’s schedule like 25words 3x5 times, 10dots 3x5 times and 20bits 3x5 times. I have also ordered Tweedle wink DVDs (yet to receive). I am bit confused as how I should proceed once I receive the DVDs. Should I stop Doman’s schedule and show only the TW DVDs or continue both.

Your schedule would give me more clarification. Thanks in advance.

If I were you I would continue with Doman program and add TW once a day.
You’ll receive Overview Chart together with your TW DVDs. They suggest there the guidelines of showing materials depending on the age of a child.

Short instructions on how to start showing EK cards you can find at go to section EK


You said to go to classical mommy and there are many bit cards.

My question would be, if one could find bit cards on the internet, how to print them off to flash cards without prohibitive work?

Could i print it to some type of label, and transfer label to card.
It is probably obvious to many of you but I’m stymied on this.

Plus, why not get a picture book, and go through the book looking at the pictures, without cutting the book apart and transfering the piectures to flash cards.

Thank you for your advice.

Hi Paddy

Unfortunately, it’s probitively a LOT of work to print off! That’;s why this forum anbd Classicalmommy is great, as you can just take the files off to the printer and have them laminated.

The idea of flashcards is that you should be flashing them one second at a time, so that the RIGHT side of the brain views it as an image. Spend some time on this forum and to get a better idea of how to flash flashcards and why. you can also go to - Glen Doman was the founder of early / right brain education and there is lots of material there.

Picture books distract the child from learning the word, and you can’t flip the pages one second at a time successfully.

OK, so you download the files and go to Kinko’s, and ask them to print the files as laminated cards?
Do they have cardboards?

This is probably easy for you but I’m just having difficulty figuring out how to do it easily enough so that it could actually happen.

Thank you for your advice.

Hi everyone,

I’m still confused about the goal and purpose of EK. Is the purpose to expose them to verbal language or is the goal to get them to actually know facts about subject matter?

When is the right age to begin flashing bits of knowledge?

How is flashing bits of knowledge different from reading to your child from a book?

Thanks for any clarification,

Paddy, if you live in the US you can order 100 cards from Doman (not too expensive) or cut them out of poster board yourself. Then I either buy a calender (old calenders are cheap and have great large color pictures) or I print off the desired color pictures from the internet (uses a lot of ink). Then I glue stick them on the posterboard. I also write the POI see ( for an example. I print this and glue stick it on the back. Then I laminate the whole thing. I got a laminator at Sam’s club and buy menu size lamination pouches from lamination king. It works great, they look great it just take some time.


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