New to BrillKids and new to teaching

hello everyone…I just wanted to introduce myself…I have been reading numerous posts and I have to say you guys are giving me some idea about what to do…I am currently doing the YBCR series with my 10 month old DD…she is on the 2nd DVD and I have recently started incorporating LR and LM into our daily schedule …I am using the free version of LR right now and I am following the lessons that are there, I haven’t made any on my own…in other words I just press play…I really hope that I am doing this right because this is new to me…I have a 5 year old DS :slight_smile: but I didn’t do this method of teaching with him…any advice from parents out there would be greatly appreciated… :slight_smile:

Hello and Welcome! You sound like you are doing great already :slight_smile: My best advice is to stay consistent and have fun! And of course read through the forum for tons of info, this place is a treasure trove of knowledge.

We’re glad you found us, welcome and make yourself at home.

thank you TmT, I know my reply is late but I have just been crazy busy…