New Study shows that preschoolers can recognize brands

I heard the results of this study yesterday. There seems to be some disturbance among adults that young children that can’t read are able to recognize and identify over 30 brands.

I thought it was fantastic proof that little children are learning all the time. What could they really learn if parents have a plan for their education?

Although I can’t locate the exact article here is a post I found on a blog.

Oh I totally believe that. Trust me my son can quickly point out Mcdonalds, Superstore and Walmart

Yes, I second this. My son could recognise Star Bucks before he could walk. We would walk past it and he would point to it, indicating he wanted to go in. In the pharmacy, he would point out the brand of soap we used to bathe him. There were a whole lot of others.

" I thought it was fantastic proof that little children are learning all the time. What could they really learn if parents have a plan for their education? "

Great point! I thought it was amazing that my older dd could read the word madagascar & point out a few fast food restaurants at 2.5 years. Now I’m amazed that my younger dd who has Down syndrome could read well over a hundred words at that age (& I’m probably completely underestimating ). It’s amazing the difference a little parental knowledge can make! I so wish that I had been able to try this with my odd.