New Monki See Video - How God Made Everything

So, the other day I was delighted to see the following new Monki See video. I watched it with my 5 and a half year old. His response was similar to mine (with a little more volume and jumping up and down). He cried “Again! Let’s watch it again, Momma!” “That was excellent!” “Mom, we HAVE to watch that again.” And we have. Many times. My husband loved it, too, and a good two hours afterwards he stated that the song was still in his head. I also sent the link to a friend who is employed by the church we attend, as creation was the theme for September. She’s responsible for well over 400 kids. This was her response: “Wow! So good!!! I find most little kids songs to have a lot of cheese factor but this one was really great!!! I’m not opposed to cheesy – I’m cheesy myself but it’s just a nice treat to see someone go beyond like that! Very enjoyable!”

Anyway, you can find the above song and I can only imagine, much more on the new Monki See video! Here’s a link to a preview of the “How God Made Everything” DVD.

And here’s the link if you want to pre-order. The pre-order sale price is $9.95 USD. I’m not sure how long they’ll keep the pre-order price. After that it looks like it goes to $12.95. Perfect for those of you who want to get a head start on Christmas shopping. I did - pat on my back :wink:

Wow, I’m actually very disappointed that they produced a religious video. That’s changed my perception of the company in a negative light. :(.
From now on, I will skip Monki See products all together.

Thanks, Kizudo for bringing this up here. :slight_smile: Actually this DVD is part of a new line of products (separate from MonkiSee) called Howie and Skip’s StoryTime. This is the first story but there are many to follow. There will be Bible stories, regular stories and maybe some fables. We are really excited about reading and sharing stories with kids. This has nothing to do with teaching them to read - although kids that are read to do show signs of reading more easily. We do feature the words to the story on the screen, but the focus is just having fun hearing stories.

I’m sorry you feel that way, Mom2Bee. I, on the other hand was thrilled!

While I am more than happy to bring the newest DVD by Intelbaby (also makes the Monki See videos) into my home specifically FOR the reason that it has Christian content, I understand that some may not. I don’t feel however, that it should deter anyone from buying their other DVDs. There is excellent content presented in an entertaining and educational way in the Monki See videos. I’d hate for your future kids to miss out on that. But if you feel this way, you should also blacklist Readeez because Michael’s excellent reading tool includes some great Bible memory videos, too.

Thanks Kizudo, will do.

Its just my personal preference but I strongly prefer to support publishers who are either 100% secular or else aligned with my own religious beliefs.

I love it! my girls immediately love the song. excellent video.

@mom2bee, I’m rephrasing my statement because I was being very mean, but what I meant to say was that discarding a product based on the religious beliefs of its creator is a form of bigotry. The original Monkisee videos ARE 100% secular, being so intolerant towards Krista’s religious beliefs as to refuse her non-religious videos is unfair. Yes, it’s completely your choice, but to me it seems a hateful expression towards Krista.

@kizudo, I did not notice the Bible videos for Readeez, are you sure? (I’m asking this sincerely because I feel that they can be put to good use for the foundation, of which Readeez is a partner, yet I was not even aware of them.)

@Krista, the whole series including the new DVD looks too sweet! I love what you do!

Here’s the link. It looks like he’s got a full on DVD planned!

Ah! Thank you for the link! Could have gotten that with a simple search, sorry for asking a silly question :wacko:

Thanks, Kizudo. That looks super-cool.

No problem, MamaofWill!

Not to switch the spotlight from Monki See to Readeez, but I LOVE both of them! Seriously. If I could pack up Krista and Michael for a weekend I would. I’d shower them with love and appreciation for what they do…I’d listen to Krista read me poetry and watch Michael dance (while keeping a straight face) and I’d gush to both of them about how they have touched my life and my son’s. I have so much gratitude. Now that my boy is a good reader and we are not watching them daily anymore, I am starting to mourn the loss…funny how you grow attached to people who wouldn’t even recognize you on the street. Anyway, Krista, Michael…I love you!

And now, back to the original purpose of this thread…

Wow, that is so sweet. Thank you for the compliment. I love you too, Kizudo. I think you already know that.

I love the idea of Howie and Skip stories! Monkisee is by far our favorite. Lately Ian has been watching it even though he already learned all the words a while ago. Krista, do you have Howie and Skip dolls for sale? They would be a great prop to use when teaching our kids and just fun to play with!

I love hearing that Ian still likes MonkiSee!!! We tried to do some puppets a few times, but they never looked the way they were supposed to. I need to explore that again… Thanks for the reminder.

I am sorry there has been hostility expressed here to one of the members. Mom2bee has a right to spend her money on whatever product she chooses. I think she is missing out too, but its her choice.