New Italian Bit Community on Facebook

Dear all,
dear italian resident.

It’s time i’m gathering around for early learaning tools in italian, specialley ready paper ones.
I didn’t find so much…

Doman Foundation bits are more expensive than in usa and, more, they are in english:
translating specific names for trees, birds, sea creatures, moths and so on is in any case a great work.

In my town i found the way to print good bit series for just 7 euro per serie (ten bits)
so I decided to share my know how in a facebook group to contact other people interested to connect each other and to collaborate to have their bits, based on common standards

Here it is:

In fact the hard work to create a serie of bit can be shared printing more than one copy, if you prepare digital files

The idea is: 10 people creating 1 serie each makes 10 series: then you can print ten copies and the game is done

Care e cari genitori che vivete in italia

non trovando molto di già stampato in italiano per i bit, e avendo trovato il modo di stampare serie di bit in tipografia su cartoncini per prezzi accessibili,
ho fondato un gruppo in facebook per preparare assieme i file per la stampa e condividere gli sforzi.
Ulteriori informazioni le trovate lì


Vengo subito a conoscervi! :wink:

You might be interested in the doman cd roms. There are 10 in the series with 6 languages and over200+ bits in each. One of the languages is Italian! We are using it and my little gal loves it! It’s not cheap but lots of info and in felt it was worth it.
Good lick to you!
The Doc :clown:

Hi Dr Primo,

Are the CD roms for printing out, or are they like DVD’s that you can play on your PC?

They are CD roms that play on a pc or a mac and are basically flashcards. however, they are in 5 different languages, including italian. so there are 15-17 subjects on each CD (10 bits each) and there are 10 CDs, so that is a lot of information. i bet you could crack it to print it, but as it stands you can’t print. there are kids on over 100 subjects that all you have to do it glue them onto a bit card. i just found this out. call the gentle revolution press and they will send you a catalog. its nice b/c you don’t have to hunt around to find images and information to make your bits. this stuff is not online in the store so you will have to call. we’re going through the CDs in english first, then i’ll go to italian. i also have some italian flashcards i’ve been doing which is AMAZING! she recognizes all kinds of words in italian. i just wish there were more flashcards with more subjects out there, especially verbs. to me, that is the problem with language program for kids. they all start at the beginning: colors, some numbers, simple items. what are you suppose to do after that? it is frustrating!
the doc :clown: