New here - Czech


I´m new here on BrillKids.
First - sorry for my English, I´m from Czech republic and I´m not good in foreing languages.

I´m mother of two children - boy (3,5 years) and girl (20 months). My daughter is the reason why I found this web. She is brain injuried. I found books by Glenn Doman (started with What to do about your brain-injured Child and continued with Teach your baby to read and others). Now I prepar my own flash cards and by googling i found BrillKids - thank you for this.


Hi and welcome to the forums. It’s great to have you here! Feel free to browse the forums and add to any discussions that interest you. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help getting around. We hope to hear more from you soon!

Hi Market,
Welcome and do not forget to use Czech board. We can communicate in Czech there and I can help you by answering your questions.

Hello and welcome to this fantastic forum!

I look forward to getting to know you better and reading your posts. Please feel free to browse around. Also please feel free to join your country of origin board, This will help you get connected with other like minded parents from your country but also give you a place where you can talk freely about issues related to early education, and activites in which you may be able to get your child/ren involved in
