New Gal!

Hi! My name is Meg, and I am new to Brillkids… I actually came across it by total accident, so that was pretty serendipitous, I hope! My son is 2 1/2, almost, and he can read all of his letters (uppercase… working on lowercase), and recognize Numbers 1-9, I haven’t really tested him on anything higher, so I’m not sure, on top of 13 colors (basics), and like 8 shapes? So I think thus far, we are doing fairly well, definitely ahead of the curve among our friends, but I don’t really care about that, I just want to do what I can to further his abilities… because he LOVES learning.

I really have no clue where to start! We tried YBCR when he was really little (5 - 7 mos), and he was doing quite well, but then there were some things that turned our household upside down… ya know, life happened, so we stopped. We are recently started back up… but he’s not interested. It was somewhat heart-wrenching, but I realized what the biggest problem was: he’s a TODDLER!!! LoL! He got used to things having more “action” and much more fast paced. He doesn’t watch a lot of TV, but when we do, it’s Thomas the Tank Engine, SuperWhy, Dinosaur Train, Word World, and that’s about it. YBCR is just NOT as interesting for someone that is at a “GO GO GO!” phase, and is much more into imaginary play… ALL DAY LONG… (makes for a VERY long day for Mommy, and Mommy’s back & knees)!

That was long winded, but in case you skimmed: 2 1/2 yr old boy, has an uncanny knack for absorbing information the first time & retaining it, but finds Your Baby Can Read agonizingly slow… very into more fast paced & able to evolve into “creative play”… any ideas?

Thanks so much everyone!
-Meg (26) & Dexter (2.5)!

Hello Meg & Welcome!

First things first, click on the BrillBaby Tab above and download the free e-books about teaching your child to read.

Second, kids this age have “360 degree learning.” If you want to leave a learning video on while he’s playing legos or something, that’s okay! Even if he’s not glued to the screen, he will be absorbing something.

Download the free 2 week trial of Little Reader. If you truly want to capture his attention, put in some personalized family photos and such, and maybe put him in the high chair (if he sits in one) or play it during breakfast/and or lunch at the table. I have even taken our laptop into the bathroom for our kids to watch during bath time, but my youngest is a bit of a splasher.

I also know a mom that only offers learning DVDs during car rides, and it’s a great way for her to sneak in some literacy DVDs. For the kids, it’s more interesting that staring out the window. But in general, LR is designed to be more interactive and is played in short bursts, not 20 20 minutes at a time. When the screen says crawl or clap, encourage him to move along and do it with him. You can still use both programs at the same time though, many parents do, it’s not a one or the other proposition! You can also save learning screen time for times that he is tired, either just going down for or just waking up from a nap if you think he might be more receptive.

Welcome, and good luck!