New from Southern CA

Hi! It’s great to be able to introduce myself and ask questions!

My husband and I have two adopted daughters (ages 2 1/2 and 8 mos.): one quite bright and the other with possible challenges (and a bit slower in development at this stage). I just finished reading Doman’s How To Teach a Baby to Read and am excited about the possibilities but not eager to spend hours making cards. (I also have on order his books on brain-injured children and identifying any difficulties/delays in your child.) This site–with its related products–seems ideal in teaching the Doman method, with many advantages.

Although I’d love to get started immediately, I NEED a new computer. My current one is super slow and has no sound (and it’s not the speakers). Purchasing a LR program with my current computer, then, makes no sense, I’m guessing.

Is my best bet to wait until we purchase another computer (my husband is the “Let’s really shop around” type, so it might not be soon)? Should I just try and start making my own flashcards?

Any ideas?

Thanks much!!

If you know Little Reader is what you are going to use when you get a new computer, you could buy it now, put it on your old computer and print out flashcards for now.
Or you can go to place like Monki See Monki Do or Doman Advantage and buy premade cards. Also by the creators of Monki See, they have these programs that are very similar to LR called MemoFlix, and your run it off your DVD player. There are so many good options available to you. Congrats on the new additions to your family :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help!! I guess we are blessed to have many choices available! :slight_smile: