New from Colorado

Hi there, wow, what an amazing site!
My daughter is just about 13 months and we’ve been doing YBCR since she was 2.5months. Over and over and over and over again. She now hates it. i realize this is my fault. i’m trying to switch gears now and try some new material. She probably knows about 1/3-1/2 or maybe more of all the YBCR words, which disappoints me honestly. i didn’t realize what a time investment it was. i only watched the video 5 times per week, when they say twice a day, but i read the books and flash cards everyday, taking over an hour each day and it was too much for her. i tried to keep it interesting, but really i was making her do it. i realize now this was wrong. She is totally uninterested in the videos and is way bored with the books. i just downloaded the free trial of LR and i’m hoping it will be better.
Any advice on LR?? or in general.

Welcome to the forum! For LR, just follow the course. You really can’t go wrong with it.

did our fist lesson this morning :slight_smile: i think it went well

Welcome to the forum! I live in Colorado too. Which city do you live in?

Regarding YBCR, you will be surprise how much they really know from the exposure, sometimes they just don’t want to show off, but when you less expected they do. My dd is 21 months old and I’m surprise and how many words she can read, including words that we didn’t repeat over and over. She liked YBCR when she was little, but around 9 months she didn’t want to do anything with it. On the other hand with LR, she has been watching it since she was 6 months old, and loves it! We travel a lot, so we don’t do the program every day, but again, I’m surprise on how much she knows. Just keep it up, I’m sure your dd one day will just surprise you too! :yes:

Hey thanks, i hope your right. For some words i feel like she has them down pat, but then i’ll show them in another context and she doesn’t respond. i don’t know if it is b/c she doesn’t know it or doesn’t feel like playing along.
i’m in Louisville, (4 mi. east of boulder). where are you?

I’m at the other end in Trinidad. We do go often to Denver to see my mom. I lived there for 7 years and love it. You live in such nice part of the state. My brother went to CU Boulder, sow e were there often.

Good luck with your teaching! :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum…Here we will share our experinces and learn as well from other parents their activities. :smiley: