New documentary on GMO

I hardly have any time to watch something that is longer then 10 minutes these days :slight_smile: But recent documentary on GMO foods was really worth the time!

It got released last week, I believe, and it is available for FREE screening till the end of this week only. I would definitely recommend it!

We are very conscious about healthy eating and what we buy and prepare in our family, but some of the things were truly eye opening.

Thanks for sharing Skylark! Hubby and I are going to watch it tonight for our anniversary lol how romantic, I know, but hey! Who has time to watch much of anything without the kids!

I can’t bring myself to watch (I have watched too many). I am unsure if progression towards GMO food’s will be something that we can truly change unless we start birthing green mutant children in the masses here in the US. I don’t mean to be a pessimist. With food costs rising, its hard enough for the largest part of the population on Earth to put food on the table. To be concerned with it being GMO or not GMO is just out of the question even if it means their health in the long run because eating today general ranks above possible cancer in the future. I am certain high food costs isn’t just something that conveniently worked in GMO companies’ favor.

Plus we are in too deep now. You can not even grow an “organic” garden without large concerns of contamination from near by GMO crops being sprayed with large amounts of pesticides and the seedlings mixing in with heirloom organic seeds. A lot of the drama around GMOs is probably a little over the top in order to get reactions from the general public. I mean there is so much going on in this world that we can point to as a cause for cancer and all other health issues.

In general, I am not sure much can be done to fix the situation, and since the all powerful corporations are very good at their jobs, I hardly believe much is going to be done to stop it. Of course maybe that’s what they want me to think. :wink: (insert dry sarcasm)

It’s crazy to think about the possibility that my grandkids’ kids might be eating 0% natural food. That’s a scary thought. Just watch the first ten minutes if nothing else, long enough to hear about how the pesticides in the “round up ready” crops are actually growing INSIDE the food and they are designed to EXPLODE insects stomachs when they eat it. I’m no scientist but it’s obvious, it cannot be healthy to ingest that! But we do, all the time. It’s just a matter of percentages…enough toxins to kill a bug, but not a human. I’d bet anything that a human ingesting the same amount ratio as the insect would become gravely ill or die, so then comes the question of long term effects of eating some GMO’s in your diet daily, and then further down the road the effects of eating a 100% GMO food with no natural foods at all. Yikes. Gastrointestinal disease is already on the rise in the last decade.

I agree that buying organic can be cost prohibitive for many families, I probably do about half and half maybe and still (willingly!) eat my fair share of crap I shouldn’t. I once read, (actually on this board I believe) that someone’s idea of being rich was being able to feed and educate their children exactly how they desired without worrying at all about the cost. How profound. If GMO’s are indeed causing health issues and as more and more foods become GM, will good health and longevity become a privilege of the affluent who have the knowledge and resources to fully avoid them?

There is so much swept under the rug in general when it comes to government, policy, maintaining safety of the public, random cover-ups , etc…it’s just a matter of drawing lines in the sand as to what is acceptable to you or not. This is a pretty big deal to me though as it effects every single person in the world.

This news was just released today about Russian banning GMO Corn. Europe may follow suit?

Here’s a couple of rats from the French study that were fed GMO corn…looking oh so healthy!


Russian Ban was all over UK news today, thank you for sharing.

Actually, some US stores have a non-GMO policy.

We shop a lot at Trader Joe’s ( I believe they are mainly in West Coast and also some Mid West States), in fact I think we do about 90% of our grocery shopping there, they have real good prices on Organic Products ( large bulk of what we buy), as well as commitment to non-GMO foods on the rest., from what we heard… I am sure there are other stored that do that as well.