New Computer

So, it looks like we’re going to have to get a new computer :confused:

What brand would you recommend? We’re wanting another laptop. We’d be using to show Little Reader, PowerPoint cards as well as access the internet, store pictures, and write my dissertation.

I hate spending this kind of money :ohmy:

I don’t think brand really matters. We have had several. Dells are good b/c you can customize them, and they have good warranties. I have an HP now, and I have had no problems with it. Lenovos are built pretty tough. Shop around. See who has good deals on what you need.

What you should focus more on is what the computer has. You can find really great deals on laptops now with pretty good specs. Think about what you will be using it for, and go from there. Pretty much everything comes with 2 or 3 GBs of ram now, which is more than enough for the average user. Most of them come with 80 GB or more hard drive now, but if you store a lot of pics and videos on your pc, then you might want to look for something with a larger hard drive. Processor wise, anything new should be pretty decent for the average user, although I would recommend getting a dual core (probably most, if not all are now).

I agree with Nikki. It’s really great that you already know what you want to use it for, the next step is to get something a little more future-proof since laptops are investments that you don’t want to have to replace right away.

For word documents, primarily your dissertation, most of the new laptops should be up to par with minimum standards. I personally prefer HP, specifically their media-oriented series with a minimum of 2GB RAM, a good video card with a graphics accelerator, a VGA and/or HDMA port so I can hook up the laptop to the TV, good battery (since the right battery can make your laptop work for longer without plugging in), and of course a minimum of Intel Core Duo processor (if you’re up to making an investment, I would suggest getting Intel Core 2 Duo or higher).

A laptop with those minimum specs should be more than enough for your requirements, so the next thing to consider would be weight and size. If you’re looking to bring this laptop around with you, I would suggest something that is a maximum of 3kg - that would be the most I would be willing to carry around as a woman. If it’s something you’re just going to use at home as a desktop replacement, you can afford to get a bigger (and heavier) one.

Good luck in your hardware purchase, and don’t forget to check for the warranties! :wink:

Also an opion for storing your photos is to get an external hard drive so that you dont slow down you computer…

you should be able to get an excellent laptop for $500. Just don’t buy the latest and greatest model.

If you’re definitely going for a laptop, I’m a big big fan of HP! But it’s always good to remember that a desktop PC with the same specs as a laptop will always be cheaper :slight_smile:

For personal spec recommendations -

  • at least 3 GB ram (because Windows Vista uses 1.3GB ram by itself)
  • at least Intel Core 2 Duo (because technology is ever speeding up, and this should keep you going for a few years without falling too far behind)
  • a good video card (Nvidia GeForce 8-series or late 7-series are around mid-range now)

Those will be more than enough for word processing, Little Reader, PowerPoint, storing pictures and surfing the net all at once. :smiley: Then you can optionally upgrade with spiffy features such as higher-end graphics cards, wireless capability, bluetooth, blu-ray… the list goes on :slight_smile:

Good luck shopping for your new computer! It can be tough, but in the long run, having a smooth, responsive experience is worth it. :slight_smile:

I would go for the brand which gives best after sale service hence minimizing down time.