New born teaching

Wat can i teach to my 2 month ild baby…
And if i want to introduce a language, othr than my mother tongue , wat shud i do for that…

here are lots of information :happy:

Babies this age spend more time awake and alert and become more curious about their parents and about objects that they see. They also start getting physically stronger and better able to coordinate movements. Encourage the learning process by talking to your little one, responding to his or her vocal expressions, and providing colorful age-appropriate toys.

I think that the baby is too small to learn anything as you said the baby is just 2 months old. But if you need to teach him you can use some toys to show him the some numbers or letters.

The small children consistently used certain areas of their brain for each language, even when nonsense words were used (but accents were kept the same). Basically, the child files each language in a designated area. As long as languages aren’t intermixed, it should be fine.

According to Glenn Doman Method, you can start teaching your child a new language from 3 months old and above.
I got this from his book “How To Teach Your Child To Read”.