New Book from Glenn Doman

I was looking online to use some of my gift certificates and stumbled upon a new Glenn Doman book: Fit Baby, Smart Baby, Your Baby!
Chapters says its not available but was release in October 2011, however Barnes & Noble says it’s not due out till April 2012.

will be on the lookout - thanks for sharing!

This is another book to be added to my wishlist! lol

Has anyone bought this book? Are there any new informations added? Thanks

Same here :slight_smile:

I will be honest. I am upset I preordered and wasted my money in this book. Not only does it reiterate what is said in other books it also uses the same text word for word. Same pictures and same physical routines as are in How Smart Is Your Baby.
What it does is expand in it a little. And I do mean a little. If I do remember correctly HSIYB ends at 36 months. This book goes on until 72months. It tells you to keep going with the running program. And for gymnastics it tells you to have your child do forward rolls, side rolls, and backward rolls daily. Also do balance beam and continue brachiation.

Thank you Korrale4kg for your reply. I was hoping they added something “special” to this books but I was a bit suspicious about its content. What a shame.

does anyone have a more expansive list of the imporant books for early childhood education?
All Doman’s books. What else would you recommend?

Depending on your early learning “flavor” and how right-brain you lean (is that kind of like politics LOL?) I would read:

Right Brain Education - From the fine folks at Tweedlewink)
Children can change through right brain education - Shichida (this is their most “introductory book” and while it has more examples than how-to’s, I still found it valuable
Any of the Suzuki books, such as Ability Development from Age Zero. If you read more than one title, there is some repetition among them IMO.
Education for Absolute Pitch - Taneda was helpful to get a baseline as to what to expect, but with LMs out now and so good, I don’t know that it’s fully necessary anymore. Still some decent background info though.
Raising Confident Readers - Gentry. Some good tips in here on encouraging your child and gauging their progress.
I remember liking Magic Trees of the mind even though there is a chapter basically on how “hothousing” kids is useless, the rest of the book was good and painted a nice picture of brain development
Hothouse Kids- Dilema of the gifted child, which I didn’t love this book and certainly did not agree with all of her father’s parenting approaches, I appreciated her perspective of El when taken too far. Many of the examples were real but extreme IRRC.

Haven’t read these in a loooong while, but for the expecting moms (many of these books I discovered from the resource pages)
While you are expecting, your own prenatal classroom
Learning before birth
Nurturing the unborn child
What’s going on in there? How the brain and mind develop in the first five years of life.

thank you for such an informative reply

How Smart is Your Baby really only goes through 12 months. It sounds like this new book (which I have not read) incorporates both HSIYB and How to Teach Your Baby to be Physically Superb, which goes through 72 months. So if you don’t already own both of those and want them, it might be cheaper to buy the new book. Otherwise, it sounds like it wouldn’t be worth it. If it included the reading, math, and encyclopedic knowledge programs through 72 months, that would make it worth buying for me, but I’m guessing that, like HSIYB, it just says to buy the other books at 9 months or so and start the programs then.

Thank you Wolfwind. I had to go and pull out my copy of HSIYB and How to teach your baby to be physically superb. You are indeed correct about HSIYB only going to 12 months. I am sorry if I cnfused people. However I think HSIYB is a better book. It has all the auditory and visual program and not just the physical.

I currently own all the Doman books. And I recommend the latest book the least. Especially if you have already had access to his other other books.

Hi Korrale,
I’m a little late on this. My baby is already 5 month old. If I don’t have any of Doman book. Since you have both books-Which one should I buy? HSIYB or the latest one? Thanks!

It will depend on several things
If you plan to have more children in the future I would recommend HSIYB. It not only has a physical program, it also has an auditory, visual and fine motor program. I would then pair this book with How to Multiply your baby’s intelligences. The later covers the framework of how to teach your baby to read, how to teach your baby math and how to teach your baby Encyclopaedic Knowledge. It MAY (someone correct me if I am wrong, I can’t get to my book now) cover some of the physical program again as well.

About HSIYB, I found some of the stuff in it is really insightful. But I found the program pretty intense to follow fully. I did snippets of things and my son developed the visual, auditory and fine motor just fine but not with excellence. This could have been because I didn’t do the program vigilantly. Or because it was just not my son’s forte.
I did more things with the physical (gross motor) program of the book, lots of tummy time Et al. My son crawled at 5 months, cruised t 6 months, tools steps at 7 months and walked at 8 months. So I do think the program worked well.
The physical program continues on in the books How to Teach Your Baby to Physically Superb and Fit Baby. However once my son could walk the physical program’s value peters out. It focuses on having your child walk/ tun with you each day. Starting by walking on different terrains to running a 5k, eventually. This was a pretty simple program. Just run a little more each day and let your kids play, roll, tumble, brachiate, do balance beam, jump swing etc.

I hope this helps.

Thanks so much! I’ll go with HSIYB then :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting the book link, I’m going to ask my local library to order it in.