New at teaching to read!

Hi all,

Im new at teaching my child to read…i have been reading books to her from birth but didnt know that they could actually read so young. I was just wondering how long it takes to actually see any results? And how do u know if u are doing it right? I sit my daughter in her high chair in front of the lap top 3 times a day and show her flashcard slideshows and she seems interested. She gets very excited when i turn the computer on :P. Also does anyone have any idea if flicking through flashcards very fast actually works? I am very interested in other peoples stories.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I was the same way, I read to my baby all the time but didn’t realize he could learn to read so young. I saw the Your Baby Can Read! infomercial about 4-5 months ago, and it has opened a whole new world to me with infant development. We love YBCR because it explains the meaning behind the words. My child’s understanding and vocabulary has increased dramatically. He started when he was 14 months old, and it took a few months before he actually showed me that he could read some words. I remember the first word he read was “hi” which is also the first word on YBCR videos. He just woke up from a nap and I came in his room to get him and he was saying “hi! hi! hi!” (He had never used this word before this) and he was pointing to the floor, and there low and behold the “hi” flashcard was there and he was pointing to it. I was just so proud of him! What a special moment. Just make sure you stick with it and keep working, it is amazing! Today my child (18 months)read the word “baby” on a generic baby shampoo bottle (no pictures of a baby on the bottle) - It was his first time reading a word on an object or something different than his flashcards/Computer or DVD program :biggrin: . After using YBCR for a while I stumbled upon this site and have absolutely loved hearing what other mothers are doing and feeling that there is some support out there. We love using the little reader for doing custom words like Mommy, Daddy, etc. Good luck!!

I also saw the your baby can read advertised in a magazine but that was only a week ago. Since then i have visited their website and this one and decided that i would give teaching her to read a go. Thank you for your input :slight_smile: Its great to be able to talk to real people and their experiences. I will definitely stick with it. Its only been a couple of days and my daughter already loves it. Every time she sees the flash cards and slideshows she gets very excited. Im hoping it might help my daughter to speak as she hasnt really said anything clear yet apart from a bit of babbling. She had pneumonia when she was younger which took her back a bit in her development.
Look forward to hearing more from you and other parents. Thanks for your time. :smiley:

It’s great to hear from so many other people! It is truly great encouragement! :slight_smile:

how to teach your baby to read by glenn doman and how to teach your baby math are also very encouraging