New Arrival for 34 year old

I just wanted to say hello to you all and that I am expecting our 3rd child. I am so excited! I usually post in the homeschool forum but I thought I would share with your guys the good news. Since 15 years or so ago I was told that I only had a 76% chance of even getting pregnant. Now we are having our 3rd. However, I will be 34 in 2 months. Should there be anything to be concerned with during my pregnancy? Unfortunately after this one it has to be my last, I have to have a partial hystarectomy?, and another c-section as well.

Congratulations!! That is so wonderful. I was told I had less than a 5% chance of having a baby. But thank God I was able to have my little one who is now almost 2 years old.

You’ll do fantastic, I’m sure.


I want to congratulate you as well. I had my first this year at the age of 39. The pregnancy went on without a hitch. Enjoy it!

Congratulations! I had my first child at age 34 and am now expecting our second. It is so common for women to be having children in their late 30s and into their 40s. Don’t stress. Enjoy!

Congratularions! 34 is not considered even a high risk pregnancy age anymore. these days it is pretty common! I will be 35 in a month and we are expecting our # 2. Good luck and I am sure you will do great!

Congrats to all 3 of you! :biggrin: (I’m getting jealous; I want another one :wub: )


It is so nice when doctors said you only have a percentage chance of getting pregnant and you become a mommy. My mother was told I wouldn’t be able to have kids because of some condition I was born with, but at 24 I got pregnant only twice of unprotected sex. I am happy for the baby, but wish it would have happen in my 30’s because I wasn’t ready and my boyfriend told me he wasn’t ready to be a father either, so thats how I became the single mother.

well jakim, from the few posts of yours that I have read you sure seem to be doing a good job. :slight_smile:

Thanks to you all, now I don’t feel alone. Mostly where I live mothers are very young from 18+, in their teens some of them.
That’s all I see when I go to the doc.

I agree.

Jakim, Most mothers much older than you aren’t nearly as involved with their children’s education as you are. You are doing an amazing job. Lots of people could learn from you.


I had my fifth at 39 and didnt once think of it as risky for myself…the only thing I thought of was the higher risks of Down’s syndrome, edwards syndrome and some other trisomies…I havent yet been considered HIGH risk. I dont think doctors think you are high risk now until at least 42…though honestly I cant see why (how are we different to younger women??)…I have more hip/pelvis pain now, but that’s due to how many pregnancies before, not my age.
Jakim, you made the right choice…so many people would abort in your situation. You dont have to live with that sort of guilt and regret.

I, too, had my first (and only) just shy of my 39th birthday. No problems with the pregnancy. I started as a “high risk”, if you will, in that I normally miscarried in the first few months (it’s been 4 now), but as soon as that passed I was “down graded” to NORMAL. I was very happy about that, however, if you’re a high risk mom you get the nice rooms in the hospital :slight_smile: ha ha… (If you look hard enough you can always find something good.)

I wouldn’t have a second thought about being an “old” woman and being pregnant! Don’t worry about it! I’m sure that all will go well and when it’s all said and done and you’re lying in the hospital bed with your little one sleeping in the bassinet beside you you’ll shake your head at yourself and all the worrying you did over nothing. I wish you well.

Thanks everyone. The doc said I was 5 weeks and 4 days so that means when he told me that if I could get pregnat then… guess what we were pregnant then. He didn’t even know. I went 3 weeks ago and they didn’t even know I was pregnant so I went today because the home test said positive and I began to spot a little, but nothing is wrong, and I am not high risk. But it was so funny the doc telling me that I had a chance to get pregnant then I was already. So funny lol