New and hoping to raise 2nd gen Doman readers!

Hello everyone,

I’m really excited to have found LR - I’ve just downloaded LR lite. My eldest is 3-and-a-half and I’ve been slacking a bit - my parents taught me to read using Glen Doman’s book and kit when I was not-quite-3. They even gave me the kit, but I haven’t started with it yet. LR will hopefully help me to get moving - especially as dd1 is about to be subjected to the full gamut of phonics at playschool!

Really looking forward to “meeting” some new friends here too - I’d love to hear from you all!

See you soon,


Hi Vicks!

So glad you are here. How exciting to “meet” someone who learned using the Doman method. I’d love to hear what you think about it, and how it went for you when you were little. :yes:

LR is really nice. It has helped me a lot, and my baby especially likes the bright pictures and sounds that some of the files have (like the animals file).

Feel free to join in the discussions that are going on.

THen :slight_smile:

Hi and welcome to the forums! It’s great to have you here! Feel free to browse the forums and add to any discussions that interest you. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help getting around. We hope to hear more from you soon!




That’s really great!!

You KNOW the program works and you’ll have that much more passion with it. When I started Glenn Doman reading program with my son, I hoped that it worked but I wasn’t sure, as I didn’t know anyone who had done it.

All the more benefit for you!!

Yes - it definitely works! And I think it brings extra benefits on top of “just” learning to read. It’s hard to say, because I’ve never (knowingly) met anyone else (apart from my sisters) who learned to read this way, so it might just be to do with the way we think, but I think it also instils a rudimentary understanding of grammar: all my life I “saw” the grammar words in a different colour, and I thought it was just the way my brain compartmentalised words - it wasn’t til I read the book that I realised! Plus I read just as easily and almost as fluently upside-down (very handy!!), so I’ll definitely be printing some cards out as we progress to chuck on the floor for jumping on (like my parents did!). Last but not least, it’s also very good for spelling (I think) - because I see each word as a shape, all I have to do is find the letters that fit in the shape, rather than remember each one. I only ever really confuse e and a!!

Thanks for all your replies and welcomes - I’m looking forward to joining in!


wow this is awesome to know. I am just about to start my baby on the glen doman way and to hear first hand is great.


great! to hear. I am currently using the doman way and I cant wait to see the results

Hi and welcome to the boards. My sister who is two years older than me was taught to read at age 2 - I was one of twins after she was born and my mom didn’t have quite as much time with us so although we learnt to read before school it was bit later (lol, and I think my sister did some of the teaching too)

Its interesting you say that about reading upside down - my sister also managed that quite easily at a very young age - and my daughter is constantly being told what words are when they are upside down or even sideways - I think its a shape concept - you can rotate a triangle and its still a triangle so rotating a word is pretty much the same thing.

Hope you enjoy teaching your child. I have started with mine earlier than my parents did so it is a bit of a learning curve to do things with a child who cannot yet speak - the concepts though are still very similar.

all my life I "saw" the grammar words in a different colour,
Can you explain this to me. I am having trouble understanding what you mean.

Welcome, & thanks!

Hello and welcome to this fantastic forum!

I look forward to getting to know you better and reading your posts. Please feel free to browse around. Also please feel free to join your country of origin board, This will help you get connected with other like minded parents from your country but also give you a place where you can talk freely about issues related to early education, and activites in which you may be able to get your child/ren involved in


Hello kmum!

It’s kind of hard to explain, but I sort of imagine the words that have a grammatical function, but don’t actually signify a thing, action or description, in a different colour in the text. Things like what, when, how etc and to, from, into etc. They sort of separate themselves from the rest of the text, and I skip over them faster. I think it might be because when those words are first introduced in the Doman method, he has them in a different colour.

I don’t know if that makes it any clearer. It must be very hard to imagine if you don’t do it. And it’s hard for me to imagine not doing it! I didn’t really realise until my parents lent me Doman’s book and kit and I started browsing through. Suddenly I read the section about introducing the who, what, etc words and things fell into place!

Do ask again if I need to have another try at explaining! :wink:


Thanks, I think it helps me understand a bit better. It’s interesting to hear the perspective of someone who learned this way.

Hello Vicks! :blush:

Welcome to our BrillKids Forums!

Be sure to browse through the different topics on early education here in the forums - and please feel free to participate in the discussions, too! We hope that you will share your parenting experience with us here, and I look forward to reading about your adventures while teaching your little one!

We also recommend visiting our BrillBaby website for more information about how to teach your baby - the site covers several topics that may interest you: from prenatal stimulation to life skills to teach your little one.

We’re glad to have you!

Lappy :happy:

Dear Vicks,

Welcome! This is very interesting. Which printed edition of the book did your parents have when they taught you? And which edition did you read when you realized the connection? I am reading the “revised and updated - 40th anniversary edition” and do not remember colors being mentioned. Do you mean going from red colored words to black colored words? If it is not too much trouble, would you type the excerpt that you are referring to so that we can better understand?

Ayesha :wink:

The Accelerated Fundamentals site uses a different colour for nouns and verbs.
See illustration.