Never had any luck with having him learn to read, but .....

Just curious about how many success stories are really out there using this product. I bought both the little reader and little math, and my tiny tot enjoyed them, but Ii’m the one who was not very consistent so we parked it for awhile. I would say we used it for 4 months straight when he was 12 months old.
Now, here is my question? Did this type of learning excel him for where he is today? We did this at 12 months - 15 months. by 15 month he knew all his sounds of the alphabet, and his letter names, and numbers. Even though we didn’t follow through with the program he picks up things really quickly now… usually just show him once and he’s got it. Now that he has an old computer of mine i’m going to reload it onto this computer because he was always found of the program. I’m curious now if I stay consistent will he learn to read? Always wonder if it was this little exposure that makes him so bright today?

any others out there with a similiar story?

Early exposure makes a BIG difference! If he knows his letter sounds already, he’s really close. I’d do LR consistently with him as much as possible, and you’ll be surprised how much he soaks up. Do you have the latest LR deluxe kit that comes with the 25 story books? If not, it’s very, VERY much worth the upgrade in my opinion! My son simply adores these books. I used these books early on with my son and he just “got it” from the beginning. I wish they were available when my daughter was learning to read, as I think it made all the difference in the world.

Good luck!

I starting teaching my first child to read at about 10 months. We did YBCR, and my own Powerpoint slides. I did it consistently everyday. She learned to read in about 11 months. My second child had no interest in YBCR. So, I did Little Reader,, Powerpoint slides, and Larry Sanger’s flashcards. She was reading by 2.5 years, so it took a little over a year and a half of consistent teaching. So, it does take time for them to learn. I think many people make the mistake of giving up if they don’t see results after a few months. I would suggest doing LR everyday with him. And maybe do a few other things as well. You have as an option. I wish I could have had it for my kids. If you do something with him everyday, he will likely be reading in 6 months to a year.

thanks all for your great ideas, I have a problem with my kid, She doesn’t want to write and She is 3 years old. She will join school next year I have to prepare her for the interview but so difficult to remember colors. Any ideas please
I have YBCR, but i was pregnant.So i let her watched only but i didn’t follow up with her. I didn’t show her the cards a lot.
Any advice please.

For learning colors, of course there is the Colors category in Little Reader. Show it to her twice a day and she’ll learn it in no time, just keep it fun! Also, talk about colors on her plate at every meal (orange carrots, yellow bananas, etc).

Another option is the Preschool Prep series “Meet the Colors” DVD & matching books (both lift the flap book & board book.) My kids adored this series and I highly recommend it, but your child might be a little older and find it slow. See if your library has it, or check out a sample on YouTube to see if she enjoys it.

And of course, there are loads of videos on youtube too you can let her watch. You can also play sorting and matching games with her toys and anything else, like small colored pom poms from the craft store and such. Good luck!

Thanks a lot. So wonderful, I like it:)

The uploader has not made this video available in your country" this message I got it. Could you send me the website?Thanks for your help:)

Here you go…

Absolutely it can work. My youngest was much older though I will admit at being 4 yrs old when I first learned that little babies could actually learn to read. Sigh. But even so she learned with the Your Baby Can Read in less than 2 months, then we’ve continued on with Brillkids. She is 5 now but is reading really well. So much better than her three older sisters ever did at this age. I know it had took me much longer to get my other girls up and reading when I started teaching them around 4.5/5yrs of age. But the key to it all is consistency. If your not then your not going to see much if your not, or its going to take much, much longer.

I can say though that my 5 yr old now picks up stuff much quicker than her older sisters have as well. We didn’t use Little Math, but she seems to be picking up math quite easily too.

Of course all results will vary , there are some children who don’t learn to read using this method, and that’s okay. All children are different and what works for one child maynot work for the next. But the nice part is there are many nice programs out there that you can try such as:
Hooked on Phonics , Reading Bear , Preschool Prep, Leap Frog etc that you’ll be bound to find what interests him and works.

Good luck :slight_smile:

Preschool Prep also has Ipad apps which my grandaughter loves.

My 13m/o is on LR, LM & LC for 2 mths now & she can sit on a high stool for 30 mins each session. She will imitate animal sounds when she sees animals & dance when I show her the downladed videos.
I am sure she will pick up real soon. Thx for all the additional info ! :dry:

Thanks all so much, I will be patient with my kids:)

I have LR deluxe kit, but I dant know when to start my 13m/o bb with the 25 story books as she bites everything,
even small thick books.
Dear TeachingMy Toddler, how old is your kid that you can use the books ?
I dont want the books to be in pieces before bb can read them :wacko:

I was also fairly inconsistent. I don’t work so well on routine…
Anyway both my girls were exposed randomly in one or two month spurts from age 1 to age 4, my 2nd probably less as she was SOOOOO difficult and I had another baby. Now they are in school I can CLEARLY see that it did help. They pick up most concepts on the first presentation. They excell in every subject. My daughter was dux in grade 1 at a private school she reads 4 years above her level at least ( basically she can read anything) . My random efforts at early physical activity and swimming training have also clearly paid off. The only things they seem to find difficult are large numbers and money. Oddly enough I did absolutely no work on money or numbers above 20 at all when they were little. I think also this means they may struggle to remember dates later on too so be sure to include these things in your corriculum.
I firmly believe that any exposure helps built the pathways in the brain that they need later on. It’s like exposing them to Chinese language now so if they ever decide to learn it later in life the passage are their and they find it easier to pick up.
Neither of the girls read all that early (age 4,5) but both of them picked it up much much faster than their peers and are still well ahead. Keep at it consistency brings results but even half an effort is helping!