need you to vote to save a baby's life!

This is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard - and one of the most disgusting… A couple in the US have asked people to vote as to whether they should keep or abort their unborn baby who is currently 17 weeks gestation and perfectly healthy.

Please, to all you nice loving mummies and daddy’s out there, please go and vote to save the life of this child. (abortion isnt just a lethal injection putting a baby to sleep in some sort of KIND euthanasia as you would put down a dog or cat at the pound. It’s actually very barbaric and brutal, and at that state of gestation the baby would feel horrible pain as it was ripped apart limb from limb. We know babies can hear, think, and learn in utero…they should be purchasing a Babyplus Monitor at this stage, not voting to abort. Apparently they have no other kids (i did a quick read only), as they’ve miscarried a few. So why would they abort then?)

This came to my attention through the website of Melissa Ohden, a surviver of abortion. She writes about the couples website on her blog…please check it out.

Thank you, Nikita, this is truly unheard of… I voted…

Thank you, Nikita! It is sick, but I voted as well.

[b] :frowning: I think to publicise this more, to do my bit to save this baby, I should run a poll here and then link to this thread on their page. Hoping of course, that no-one will vote for the abortion, much as I feel sorry for that child having them as parents. i have said this before to people considering abortion, and I’ll say it to them…have the baby and give it to me to raise if you dont want it. Just dont kill it! :frowning:

Heck, if they would just figure out some way to transfer the baby to the womb of someone who would love and nurture it (like me and no doubt others here)…I’d volunteer my womb. And I dont enjoy pregnancy other than for the simple fact that I hope to hold a baby in my arms at the end of it. I suffer morning sickness, fatigue, and really painful hips that make it excruciating to walk…but I still want more babies and would go through all that pain (which gets worse with each pregnancy).

:mad: Why oh why wont the medical profession figure out how to do baby transfers…to get those babies safely out of wombs that dont want them there into wombs that do? Why do they just have to be thrown away in the garbage bin >:( ?[/b]

Does anyone know how to do a poll? It would be a simple one-two choices…

i voted.

I voted

I found these sites too. I think this is a genuine situation. (Poll…should Pete and Alisha Arnold be aborted from Earth?)…I voted yes, as have about 75% of the world.

It’s been picked up by my local newspaper, and others around the world. So it is real.

Sigh. It’s not real. There is no one in the world that stupid.

It is very obviously a publicity stunt, and it worked. Sensationalism for the win.

What sickens me is that a woman who has had two miscarriages is willing to even pretend that she’d abort her child. If she didn’t want kids, she’d have started on birth control after the first miscarriage. No one who isn’t actively trying gets pregnant three times in eighteen months. Added with that the fact they’ve been married 10 years and have managed to avoid any other pregnancies in that time. Clearly they know how not to get pregnant, which means this pregnancy was no accident.

Why would someone get pregnant on purpose to maybe abort it? They wouldn’t. Once again, no one is the world is that stupid. So they have no plans to abort the baby, making it a publicity stunt.

You can pick your own reasons as to why they want the publicity, if there’s a meaning behind it or not. I personally think they just want the attention. It’s sad and it’s sick, but not because the baby is at risk.

Well, it can be a mental illness… So sad

If one of them is mentally ill, wouldn’t the other have said no to this ridiculous scheme? Which does leave the possibility that they are both mentally ill I suppose. The odds are slim, but it could happen.

Regardless I hope Child Protection Services gets involved once the child is born. Such carelessness (and or mental illness) makes for lousy parents.

I am anti-abortion, so am meeting some of the anti-abortion spokespeople online, and I can say for sure I couldnt see any behind it. They were all asking the same questions…how could anyone do this? Is it a stunt? Is it a pro-life stunt, or pro-abortion stunt? They cant believe pro-life people would do something so low. It’s not ethical. They’re all aghast at this scenario.
I think in a world where people sneak off and get abortions so no-one will know, and others who speak to plenty of others about it either hoping they’ll be talked out of an abortion, or just for the attention, to those that have abortions then announce it on facebook (I know all these examples personally)…it isnt a stretch for someone to blog about it on the web. This world is a weird place. 1850-odd foetuses have been found in a Bangkok temple…this is truly a world where the unbelievable is reality!!

I agree that this is obviously a stupid publicity stunt.
Anti-abortion violence-Incidents of violence have included destruction of property, in the form of vandalism to crimes against people, including kidnapping,stalking,assault… to crimes affecting both people and property, including arson and bombings.

I used to be anti-abortion but now think that women should have the right to decide, albeit with restrictions.


it is where you start a new post…

I’m fairly certain that I refuse to vote on this issue. I feel this is a bit sick and refuse to participate in it one way or another, I hope nothing horrific happens to these people whatever they decide.

It is a very personal choice, to abort or keep a fetus or to raise or give up a child. and from what I gleamed they have no valid reason for not-wanting the kid. They both seem very selfish, if they decide to birth the kid, I hope they put it up for adoption. I didn’t vote.