hey i’m 12 weeks 4 days pregnant … This is my first time of pregnancy .
yesterday i went to see my doc and i had a scan … she said baby is fine and i heard babies heartbeat that i’m so happy :biggrin: . then she saw me something wich she called placenta and told me that actually it has to be up but
it was down … i’m sorry that this is my first pregnancy and i want some help …
is it a problem having placenta down in 12 weeks … do i have to be worried ???
plxxxxx someone help meeeeeee
Being only about 3 months pregnant I wouldn’t worry about it. My sister had the same issue during her pregnancy and everything turned out fine. Early in her pregnancy the doctor told her that her placenta was low and very close to the opening of the cervix (placenta previa), but didn’t stress over it because she was in her first trimester. As her pregnancy progressed the placenta shifted and by the time of her delivery it had moved away from the opening and she delivered a healthy baby boy. Below is more information on placenta previa if you are interested and it may answer any additional questions you may have. Hope this helps and enjoy your day!
Congratulations on your first!
It is so fun to hear baby’s heartbeat. :biggrin:
I agree with patience. I had the same problem with my second child and by the time the baby was born, it had moved up. If you notice any bleeding let your doctor know, but other than that, you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy. I liked the following website when I was pregnant: http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/landing-page.aspx
I had the same problem in my first trimester with bleeding. If you are not seeing any bleeding, you actually don’t have to worry as the placenta will move up within days. It has happened to me. My doctor advised me to place pillow under my legs to keep legs up when resting and sleeping. I did it and it helped me. I think this would help you too.
I agree with you. Its so much fun.
Mixoo, takecare rest well and you’ll be fine soon…
Hi! I think if there was anything too dangerous for you or the baby your doc would’ve told you. So don’t worry so much. Do you have scan picture? In the information here there are a few scans of 12 weeks pregnant women, so you can compare.