Need some advice


I’m pregnant and its been 3 months now. This is my first pregnancy and I am having severe buttock pain with lower back pain, and because of this i find it difficult to sit and lie down anywhere for more than an hour or two.

Anyone got ideas how to overcome this??? Hope to hear from you all soon!!

I’m sorry to hear you are so uncomfortable and can definately empathize. I was pregnant with twins and also had severe back and hip pain early on. Arranging the pillows just right helped support my belly and back; a very thin pillow under my belly, one between my knees, and one behind my back. I also ended up getting a recliner chair with good back support, but I know it isn’t in everyone’s budget. Another thing, by the end of the pregnancy I had to get up every few hours to move from the bed to the chair, then back to the bed. I actually got better sleep after the twins were born. I hope you finde something comfortable for you.

sorry to hear about your pain. no fun. i had a girlfriend who was int he same boat for all of ther 6 children including a set of twins and she used an inflatable doughnut to sit on. very cheap… i’m sure you can find it at a back store or ont he internet and she took it everywhere. to restaurants, movies, driving. it really saved her.
hope this helps,
the doc :clown:


DrPrimo, the inflatable doughnut is cheap in here too. I would definitely use one.
Twinergy, at time of resting and sleeping your idea helps too.

Thank you very much for the advice. :smiley:

Hi Amath

Is this pain something that you have had for a while or is it something that has come on suddenly? I don’t mean to alarm you but if it is something that has come on all of a sudden you should really get it checked out because it could be something more serious than just pregnancy discomfort.

If it is an ongoing pain and nothing more serious I have found that gentle swimming or pregnancy yoga is really effective. Swimming is a non-weight bearing exercise so you can relax and enjoy it. Good pregnancy yoga teachers will have positions that will help with pregnancy aches and pains and will also help to prepare your body to birth.

Good luck. I hope you find something that works for you.

Hi Marmee,

I’m having this pain for a while and it makes me uncomfortable. As I am a working mother, I have to sit in one place for a long time which makes the pain more severe. Now i try walking around when i start getting the pain and do not continuously sit in one place for much longer. But still the pain continues.

Now as I have got nice ideas from you all, i will try on.

Thanks for your advice Marmee :slight_smile:

Hi amath

Glad your pain is not indicative of something more sinister (I was thinking early labour but didn’t want to scare you). It’s still not good that you have this pain.

In your job are you seeing clients or customers a lot or are you in an office away from the public? I ask this because if you need to sit at a desk for long periods of time and you’re not in the public eye you may be able to replace your chair with a fitball some of the time. These are the big bouncy exercise balls that are also used for labour. It sounds weird but they can really help with pregnancy discomfort such as yours.

Hi Amath,

At work I used to have a extra supporting pillow for back. It really helped me a lot.
Also while sleeping I used sleep on one side and take a thin pillow between knees.

Hope this will help yo too.

I think 1-2 km walk daily is also suggested for pregnant women. Due to twins I was
on bed-rest for the 1st month itself (Dr. told to take bed-rest but I was going to
office till 8th month.) so I didn’t go for walk.

– Kreena

Hi Marmee and Kreena,

n your job are you seeing clients or customers a lot or are you in an office away from the public? I ask this because if you need to sit at a desk for long periods of time and you're not in the public eye you may be able to replace your chair with a fitball some of the time.

I work away from the public most of the time. Now I’m using a little cushion to rest my back while in chair, hope that the pain will go soon. But the thing is that the buttock pain remains though i feel lesser pain in my lower back. At night now I’m using a small pillow between my legs and it helps a lot.

Thanks for the advice Marmee and Kreena.

An adjustment at Chiropractor did wonders for me :slight_smile: Make sure they specialize in pregnancy as this is very sensitive to many. My pain was so bad that I would cry myself to sleep. After ONLY one visit I was feeling myself. I carried the baby basically in my butt lol. I did need more adjustments but only when the pain got bad. Hope this helps…

The chiropractor was my god during pregnancy lol. Even more so after birth. My son was colicy and at 7 weeks my chiropractor adjusted him while I held him in my hands and we both laughed because you just felt his little boy go, ahhh… That felt good lol

I am pregnant now and I see my chiropractor every week, sometimes twice a week. He is my hero! My hips are getting very loose and whenever I sit/lay in the same position for to long they tend to go out or start to hurt really bad. Sleeping with a pillow between your legs should help. I use a foam pillow because it is more supportive.

Hope you start feeling better!

I was always scared to see the chiropractor while pregnant, I thought he was going to squish the baby or something. I went to see him anyway and he reassured me that he would be gentle. he even had a special drop-away table so it wouldn’t put pressure on the baby. (it did squish my breasts though, owch!) anyway, I think you should try it, if it works out cool, and if it doesn’t you won’t be in more pain than you are now. I say it’s worth a shot.

Hi Blueeyedbaby, Mylittleones, Waterdreamer and Susan Khan

Thank you all for the advice. :slight_smile:

I’m not quiet sure that we have good chiropractors here in Maldives, but i’m trying to find one as you all felt better. Hope i’ll get one here… :blush:

Hi amath,
Sorry for your pain. I hope with all these advies of the cushion, walking etc you feel better.

I understand it is hard being pregnant ,a working mom and having that pain. For me the most important is to follow your doctor’s advice. My father , not me was fond of chiropratics and i have to realize that sometimes they work miracles. But allways with your doctor’s supervision especially since you do not know of one on your area.
One other thing that is very very important is to take long relax walks. Maybe chatting with someone at your side as i use to do with my husband when pregnant or just listening to soft classical music.
I hope you feel better soon.