Need Materials for Teaching Child to Read in Spanish

I’m am looking for materials for teaching children to read in Spanish. Something like the following book for teaching children to read in English:

I have been disappointed that I have not been able to find anything suitable. My daughter is 3 1/2 and is equally fluent in Spanish and English. I just started the English reading program for her, and it is going well. However, I want to start a Spanish program and cannot find good materials. Do you have any suggestions?

Off hand, I know you can download Spanish files in Little Reader, there is the Your Baby Can Read DVD set for Latin American Audiences, and Reading Amigo is supposed to be coming out soon too. Not sure about comparable books though!

Hi Leo,

I wanted to add that I just found this blog today with some resources listed that may be helpful to you. I know they used a book/workbook series at a preschool we toured but I cannot remember the name. I will keep looking for you though!


Check out the Reading Amigo site, We specialize in Spanish language reading. I love to help kids become fully bilingual in Spanish, so please message me with any questions. Or post here, and everyone can share in the conversation.

My husband & I are both bilingual (English, 1st language & Spanish) so my son will learn to speak both languages intuitively.

Reading is another story. I’m on day 22 of LR & we have just started phonics. Can anyone give me some tips about introducing Spanish reading? Since both are latin alphabet based will my son get confused as he learns that the phonics of one don’t match the phonics of the other? I guess this is where whole word teaching helps. When he sees “ll” for example in Sp will he just read “l”? Is it better to wait a while before introducing Sp reading which is obviously much easier than English?


You could try my product, Speekee… interactive video program for young childern, with optional SUBTITLES plus 10s of worksheets. Give it a go and the first two weeks are totally free. ¡Suerte!

My son is 3 years old and can read pretty good. I started to introduce spanish a year ago, using Little Pim where he can hear and see the words. I also wrote the words on flash cards and put them on the objects in the house…just the other day I found a spanish book in the library: "Donde esta Spot? " with simple sentences, words in it and guess what? My son read them with no problem. What I want to say is, that I think if they learn reading in english, spanish will be easier.

I just bought this set of books in Spanish: They don’t teach reading but you can use them for your kids to practice or for you to read to them. They are short (less than 50 words in each book) and a lot of the words repeat often, so in my opinion are very good for learning. The pictures are bright and attractive, at least to my baby. :slight_smile:

For one of the books I scanned the pictures into LR and added word slides with the text. It works well since there very few words to each picture. My son asks for more when the “lesson” is done playing. You may not have the time to do that though. It’s a lot of work.

I have found some nice and simple Spanish flashcards here:

Could be a good way to get started.

Hi,I love your product, do you mail to UK England?


We don’t currently ship outside of US, Mexico and Colombia. However, we could be easily swayed by the allure of a potential video testimonial with a snazzy English Accent in a few months, the accent does sound so intelligent :yes: . And a video of a 3 year old reading in Spanish with an English accent would go viral in a hurry! Only Kidding, LOL! Well, he probably wouldn’t have an accent. Btw, we don’t negotiate for testimonials :slight_smile: .

I will look into it on Monday for you. Do you have the ability to play NTSC encoded videos? Worst case scenario, digital only subscriptions have worked well in the past.

Whilst I don’t think we are nearly as fluent in Spanish as you, we wnt through the YBCR program, in it’s entirety, in English… I recently purchased the set again, in Spanish, and this is working exceptionally well. It is same everything, but the words are in spanish so she quickly makes the connections…I also purchased many of her favorite storybooks, such as 'Good Night Moon" in Spanish as well. She loves to read them in English, then try to follow along in Spanish…since she knows the story so well, she can intuit which words are coming, and has catapulted ahead of her friend, the same age, who is only doing YBCR in Spanish…I also went back around the house and wrote in all the Spanish words on the English labels.
Finally, we have a friend that brings her child over 1-2 times per week to play…although she is University educated with beautiful English, I have asked that she speak primarily Spanish to my child, especially when reading to her…it seems to be truly helping.
I used Amazon to see what board books were available in both Spanish and English, then chose ten of my child’s favorites! The local library also has a section of Spanish children’s books, and it is a fairly simple matter to match the two…
Hope this helps. Happy learning!

For kids 4 and older I would recommend Rosetta Stone.

For younger kids I have used POCOYO search it in youtube there are also pocoyo videos in english with spanish subtitles and vice versa