Need Help.

Hi, I hv a 18 mths baby. Currently, I teached her by using flash cards method, but she always didn’t concentrate. Is there any suggestion ?

You need lots of cards and lots of variety. At her age I would experiment with different colors and different fonts (if you print).
I only show a set of words to my daughter 3,4 times max (and not in a row, over a few days) Once it’s been done, i consider she knows them, and just use them from time to time as a review.
Also we have our special time to do this. this way she knows what to expect.

Hi Splee

In Pamela Hickein’s book, she explains that children learn in three ways:

  1. interactively: flashing the cards whilst the child is looking
  2. peripherally: if a child sees the flashcards out of the corner of their eyes
  3. spherically: flashing the cards in the same room as them whilst they are doing something else

In ALL of these instances, she has REAL examples of where the children have learned. So PLEASE do not give up - your child IS learning, even if they are not looking at you!

In fact, children learn best when they are moving - so sometimes you can also follow your child around the room, flashing the cards while they are playing.

There are also other techniques to get them interested:

  • you could dress up and pretend to be their favourite character
  • you could use a puppet to teach
  • you could use different accents
  • you could say : , Bob the builder is going to teach you today, let’s play! and then start flashing

keep the flashcards to many different flashcard types (science, geography etc) but only for a short time. So flash 10 geography cards, then do some work on the ball. Then go with him to a big map on the wall, and let him put a sticker on the country you’re learning about. Then take him outside to play and bring him back later to do more cards!

good luck!

Thanks 4 yr suggestions. I will try.