Need HELP!!! with ds sleep and breakfast!

Kyle’s been waking up early these days… From birth ,he never was a deep sleeper, and until way past 2yrs 4months did he first sleep 12hrs i have to put him to sleep late to have him sleep till sunrise! If he sleeps before 8pm, hes awake by 2am!

And then sometime February this year I have finally succeeded in bedtime fixed routine to sleep at 7:30pm and he wakes at 7 o 7:30am in the morning.

Last week he started this waking in te middle of the night again and was waking at 4am every night! But last weekend he mixed the routine sleep time having fun and slept around 9 and slept late in the morning! (the weather was cold after a long time as well! so i didnt mind!) but since then everynight he’s awake by 3am!! n refuse to go back to sleep…

I always think its hunger that wake him so early but he is refusing food or the milk! He takes his dinner aroound 6:30pm and when he wakes at this odd 3 o 4am he refuse his milk and it takes like an hour for 50ml milk!!! and then I almost force him to sleep by lying in bed for an hour and he doze off around 7-7:30 and wake arnd 11am!!! and he takes any food around 12pm!

It could be from me as i never was a breakfast person and still remember throwing up if I take in any food in the morning! But hes losing weight! he eats well at other times now!

So I got 2 qs…

  1. How do I get him to sleep through the night?

  2. How do I get him to eat breakfasts?

Have you talked to his doctor. Maybe one of this breakfast shakes might be something to give him nutrients without actually having to eat anything.
As for the night thing, my son was difficult to at night till he was 3, and at that point I had to be hard on him and insist he sleep or atleast lay quietly because it was starting to effect everyone in the house. But I know thats not everyones cup of tea.

To get him sleep at night, you can try giving him yogurts in evening before dinner. Or you can also give yogurt after dinner…

For the breakfast, as waterdreamer said a breakfast shake is good. I make a multigrain porridge, mix with hot milk and give my son. It keeps a full stomach till 11.

I know how difficult it is for you if your child wakes up at 3am! and wont sleep after that!!

Do let us know once your problem solves…

Has anything changed in your schedule or with other things in the household? Has there been any stress?

Thanx for the suggestion waterdreamer, I followed it and contacted his pediatrician who gave me a link and said he’l get back to me later…

As for breakfast shake, enlighten me what it is all about! I have no idea, when I google all I am getting are recipes!

And trust me on this, even if I lay still to act like I cant hear him and am all sleeping my night off, (I do doze off at times even!) he still stays awake like last night he was awake from 2:30 till 5am!!! and I was sleeping from 3-4:30! its not working for me!!!

thanks for the tip mirra, but hes not keen on yogurt after he turned to a toddler!!!

I am awaiting the doc’s reply, in the meanwhile would love to know about “Breakfast Shakes”!

No nhockaday, like I mentioned except for that day when he had fun outing, nothings changed!

You could try this
I’m not sure where you are from but in Canada thats what is available. But ask your pharmacist they may be able to make some suggestions

Maybe you need to wear him out. My friends son is like this. He needs to spend HOURS outside running, climbing and being chased before he will have a good night sleep.

Yes water dreamer and kyles, pediasure is also good. My friends daughter had a tin of it, before finishing it, she became so much taller, but she didnt put on weight. It is as if instantly children can become taller if they have pedia sure…

My son was put on Pediasure b/c he wasn’t growing properly. He gained a lot of weight and grew taller b/c of it. He loves the way it tastes too. It’s like the kid equivalent of ensure or boost.

Hi kyles mom .Try not to give breakfast food in the evening .Yogart is a breakfast food .Try to give him a bath and let him play in the bath with some bubbles and put some lavander . you can put some drops of it on his pillow.Good luck let me know if it works.When i gave my grandson rice crispies he did not sleep at all .Since then i never gave breakfast thing after 5pm .Try and good luck

You can also add wheat germ, yoghurt plus fruit (eg banana, blueberries, strawberries) to milk to drink as a ‘shake’ / smoothie if your son won’t eat solids for breakfast. Wheatgerm, like oats, will provide some complex carbs which will take longer to digest and keep energy levels going for longer. In Australia there is something called “Up and Go” by Sanitarium which is like a Nestle “Quik” but also has some breakfst cereals blended in.
Good luck!

How about physical exercise in the day? Does he has enough exercise in the day?

I can only dream about seeing the bottle of pediasure! Wish we have it here, but I live in a far away country where baby/toddler food is only usually junk foods! Cos we hardly get real yoghurt even! and fruits are not so readily and cheaply available as well! oranges, apples and grapes are available in many shops cheaply but that about it! on n off we have the mango season and then we get them easily and bananas are the same! hardly a good variety! I have been searching for strawberries for quite sometime now as Kyle has asked me to get them and when I did, it was expiring!

As for his dinner, his most preferred is Pasta, and the next choice is rice… I prefer the pasta cos he eats it very well and it weighs in tummy for sometime. And I dont offer him any thing else afterwards.

Also though he may eat oats if served with strawberry or flavoring, he rarely takes it… and he hates milk! he did have a liking for weet-bix for sometime, but it has worn off as well now… we dont have “up and go” here :frowning:

As for physical, dear you asked me!!! hes the most hyperactive kids around! so much that there was a time when I wondered if it was ADHD until I read about it and was confirmed he cant be if he stay put when he has interest in something! believe me he cant stay put with 2 feet together for 1min!
And can u believe it? its the coldest season here right now! we dont get 4 seasons, only 2 and now the rainy seasons started and its pretty much cold here yet he wont sleep!

but last 2 nights I kept him awake for longer and he slept through out…

Must be really stressful. When my daughter was still an infant. She had problem sleeping too… She wakes up many times in the night and during the day, she couldnt sleep well… wants to be carried all the time… I spoke to my pediatrician but he was not able to give helpful advice, he said that it could be from me too. When i started taking her baby swimming classes, her sleep patterns improved. She sleeps 12 hrs at night (wakes up for night feed when she was below 18 months) and take about 2 hr naps in the day. Now she is about 2 1/2 yrs, we stop attending daily swimming classes but still goes to pool around 2 times a wk, jog 2 km about 2 times a wk. she doesnt take naps daily but fortunately sleeps through about 12 hrs at night. And recently she is trying to sleep on her own, without my company. As for us, taking her exercise helps improve her sleep.
As for Pediasure, have you triu ed internet shopping? I m not sure where you live but i think Amazon gives free shipping to many places. As for Yoghurt, there are many yoghurt recipes. It is very very easy to make, you might want to try. If he doesnt like milk, have you tried soya bean milk or goats milk? Or how about blending them with frozen fruits? My daughter did not like plain soya bean milk, but when i blend it with some frozen blueberries, she loves it. I once tried frozen banana in one of my Japanese friends house, i think it is a great snack. However, since ur place is so cold, it might not be a good idea to have frozen banana for snacks. Anyway, i think i might not be a bad idea to freeze fruits for later use in cooking or shakes, or snacks

Really hope you ll overcome the problem soon. Take care.

Could it be something simple, like he’s waking up cold??

My daughter for the last few weeks had been waking up at around 3am screaming, would doze off and then wake up again every 45 mins. Ever since I rugged her right up (with what I thought was an excessive number of layers of clothing), she’s been sleeping soundly. I do make sure she’s not too hot or cold; just nice and cozy. It’s not even winter yet but we’ve had 0 degree nights already (which is cold for autumn in down under!).

yes, I have been asked to get him into exercising, but for me to think hes not getting tired to sleep through is sooo unbelievable cos believe me when I say he cant keep his feet together for 1min! Hes always roaming around, jumping, long jumping by himself, doing karate (his own version!) and all physical though out the day and now hes walking to 2 classes, though not far but compared to not walking to a place daily before.
amazon’s exp for us… plus they dont ship to Maldives such stuff, as for ebay when I checked its too expensive for me to afford! he drinks full cream milks pax at times, but if given for 2 consecutive days thats it, but recently I have found a Yogurt drink that he likes and have ordered for a case! he doesnt like banana these days and cold as in 28C! not soo soo cold specially not for him as he still sweat even after sleeping leave alone the day time!
So i dont think its the temp… tonight he slept with a cousin, and he woke after 2hrs and lost sleep totally and then called me and inquired about her!
he just have a weird sleep pattern.

One mistake i have made in his life is after reading the link his ped sent me, i’ll say poor sleep hygiene, but then again I have always been a firm believer of having kids sleep early as this was the custom in my family I have tried from birth, never succeedin cos of his sleep patterns… but since the beginning of this year I can say I have pretty much maintained a good routine and hes been doin well until last 2weeks!

When my grandson had this problem of not sleeping i used to take him to indoor pool for 3 times a day .Then i tried to put him on glueten free diet .Idid not mansage 100 per cent as i only use glueten free pasta and bread but lessen his hyperactivity. Did you try lavander.Try not to let him have a nap in the afternoon too.

Hi Kyles mom,
I understand what you are going through.

Try to set a schedule and talk to him about it. He is old enough to understand that he has to get a good night sleep. Having a routine is very important. Avoid having nap time during the day. I also consider very important the recommendations about physical activities and then taking a bath before bed.
Don’t forget to read him at bed and/or to listen to music while trying to go to sleep and keep him warm.
Keep us inform.