need help urgently on right brain method

Hi everyone ,

I am very new to the right brain method. Have a 3 yr beautiful gal , who is always eager to learn. I don’t know which to buy - tweedle wink, signing time, leapfrog, YCCR or what else. so so many choice , n i am down in Malaysia for holiday , so thinking of pick up something , since don;t have schichida or heguru classes. i am looking for good flashcards . can’t imagine doing them myself . but yes open to idea of e-flashcard

Hi mna,

It’s a bit difficult to answer your question because those products are like comparing apples and oranges so to speak. What are you goals, just right brain development? To teach her to read? What is her current level, are you starting from “scratch?”


If you are focussing on right brain education, then you should be looking at TweedleWink. But TMT is right, you need to be clear on your goals before you buy anything so that you get exactly what you are looking for. If you’re open to e-flashcards, you might also want to consider BrillKids LR and LM (I’m assuming you don’t already have either programs).

hi MNA-
since your DD is 3, i would go for more things geared toward older toddlers and not babies. video wise i love the leap frog videos. she learned her letters, sounds of letters when she was 15 months old. and because of leap frog she knows rules… so when she sees 2 vowels together, she says “when 2 vowels go walking the first one does the talking”, etc. BEFORE 2! she is a smart girl but that is all leap frog.

flash cards are the big thing for RB education. i would do a little research on doman’s sight and others to see what you should do for a child of 3, as i think the flash card thing might be different as (i believe) it was designed for infants and young toddlers. i flashed like crazy when she was 7 mo. old, but now that she just turned 2, i have to change my tactic a little bit as she wants/needs something a bit more interactive.

if your DD is writing, do consider some of the things that incorporate writing in the program like dr. jones and some others. another thing that really worked for us was (i think) or if that isn’t correct, look up fantastikos mathematikos and the WHOLE DVD set, like 5-6 videos, is only $20 us. it is AMAZING. she now knows the difference between a right triangle and an equilateral triangle. again, all before 2.

BUT, once you give your DD all of this information, what are you going to do with it? i believe the trick to make all of this stick is to just keep going! for us, that means finding classes or a tutor (or what i can do) to just keep teaching her. i just don’t want to stop and wait for others to catch up. i’m lucky that i live in a big city that i have resources to go to, but in any city/town, even the city college has math professors and assistants that may be able to help. through this forum there is also TONS for information about free programs and programs that don’t cost a ton of $$.
i think the best thing you can do right now is make sure what you get is not geared toward babies and small toddlers. i would look at pre k material and go from there.
RB education works… just do it every day!
hope this helps,
the doc :clown:

Hi friends,

Thank you so much for the lovely input. I think my goal are right brain education , and not so much the reading part, because my sister’s is phonectic teacher and have enought material for that. And also thinking of buying little math , to start on the math’s foundation.

But’s I don’t have any material for the right brain education - like flashcards . Was thinking of twiddle wink, but some say the quality of pic is not too clear , and little boring for 3 yr old. Any other suggestion for e-flashcards ?

ShenLi, I always read your blog and I am in Kl at the moment. Can you please tell me what to buy , for the right brain education for a 3 yr old. And which is a good product for second language development. Thks

Hi Dr Primo

I look thru fantastikos mathematikos , it’s excellant. thks u so much . they have so many titles , which one do you suggest for a beginner like me . yes i am starting the right brain education from sracth , was not aware of it till now !

well… since you are so interested in math, i would get the math and science set. and i think you would like dr. jones as his programs have all kinds of flash card material. also, don’t forget about card size flash cards, especially for developing memory…
have fun!
the doc :clown:


I wrote you in the other post on Shichida Math, so I’ll just answer the questions I have not touched on here…

The early TweedleWink DVD quality were not so clear, but the later volumes are a lot better. Some older children may find it boring but others enjoy it. A mother I know has a daughter who is turning 4 this year and she really enjoys them. She says that the trick to it is to only play one lesson a day and repeat it the following day before moving onto the next lesson. For me, I did one lesson a day and moved to a new lesson the next day. After going through the whole series, I put it away and take it out again after some time (3-4 months) and then I repeat them all over again. The set is quite expensive, so you might want to try one first to see how your daughter responds to it before buying more.

As for e-flashcards… Have you tried downloading the ones here on BrillKids? There are a lot available and they are free. Another site you can check out for e-flashcards is:

They have 3000+ flashcards online but you have to pay a membership for access.

Another place you can check out is the children’s education section in Video Ezy or Speedy. They have four volumes of DVDs with flash cards by Baby Brain. Looks like this:

They are RM20 or 25 each. They have 4 volumes in English and 4 volumes in Chinese. I have not bought these and do not know the quality but the price is very reasonable.

Products for a second language… I am using Little Reader Chinese Curriculum. We also have EuroTalk although that one is more for adults so I don’t know if it is appropriate for children.

Hi Shenli,

Will check out the flash by brain brain. thks , that’s exactly what I was looking for . To buy back some stuff from KL I will also be going to singapore , any products there which I can pick . Mainly looking for flashcards. thks