There is an interesting thing I’ve noticed with my son: He can recognize almost every number from 1-10, but he always says “one” when he sees number two. It happens when we play with number flash cards and also when I show him the numbers on the computer.
Is this “normal”? Any idea how can I help him make distinguish between 1 and 2?
My daughter has some number confusion too. She confuses 6 and 9 which is understandable, but then she also writes the number 7 for ten sporadically. I think lots of practice will help the situation. She is much older than your son. She is 4 yrs old. I think that if you keep working with him that he will figure it out. In the extreme, my older son has dyslexia and he still reverses numbers but with practice even he is getting better. So I’m sure consistent practice will fix the number confusion with your son and my daughter too.
My daughter is also almost 4 and sometimes get confused with 6,8 and 9 which I guess is also understandable to some extent. With practice they do seem to get better though. Surprisingly she does not have any letter recognition problems and I am wondering if it is because I introduced letters quite a long while before introducing numerals.
It will just take a bit of time, he will get it don’t worry!
Thank you for all the help.