NEED HELP:not intresting in reading

Dear All,
I am worried about my kid who is now 13 months old…he does not intrested in reading at all.When i show him flashcards,he does not want to look at them.I have been showing him Little reader files twice a day since two months .He likes it.he is more intrested in Animals,animals sound.After 2 months i can see the progress in terms of recognising thing by pointing out, when we ask where is something like that …as he doesnt speak now.he makes the sounds of animals.
When I tested him with words that he likes…but didnt get any respose from him…he was not able to read or showed any sign
I think he is more intrested in sound than words.

Thank you

I think your child is doing fine. you shouldn’t be worried at all. I think he can read the words. He is just not ready to show you.

i wish that i could find where i read this (maybe Right Brain program info) but there are two children and one pays full attention and the other doesn’t but the one who doesn’t in the end can still recall what the flash cards were. so much of what we learn is through our subconscious that he probably is taking in more than he is letting on. i agree that you are probably doing just fine and pretty soon he’s going to show you… especially if he isn’t in a place verbally to tell you.

The most important thing is that he is enjoying the lessons. It sounds like he is at least enjoying the animal sounds, and that’s a great thing.

Focus NOT on results (which is the biggest killer of joyousness), but on the bonding time shared between you and your child. Detach yourself from having to achieve results and I’m sure both you and your child will be much better off for it.

Also remember that whether or not he likes seeing the words or not, he is still getting some exposure to them, which is much better than nothing.

Hi babysweet…

I think i am having the same problems too, i started at 3mths and she is 17mths now … she can read very little i mean she should know the word like cat, dog, cow … but she seems to show no recognition of it, but when you say the word … she is able to sign cat, dog, cow and even make the sound … of course i am worried she may have one of those illnesses where she have problems recognizing alphabets … but once she did sign teeth or show her tongue when we flash the words …

But if you look at the whole brain approach, reading is a very left brain activity. We are more focused on the right brain approach as in SM. We practice more sensory perception stuff. I do worry if she starts reading which means i may end up be developing her left brain more than her right … (to know more about the difference you can do a search on this forum).

In any case, i am doing repeat of the english flash cards, into sentences again. Will be repeating it again next yr when she is about 2 (hopefully her left brain starts to dominate, but we want her to retain her right brain skills). By then she should be able to read/speak more. She is starting to pop out words and repeating what we said, but still single words. Slow?? maybe … but she is displaying better sensory activity, like guessing the cards, understanding what we are saying without us saying any words, she is also paying attention to the flashing … she has instant math and perfect pitch, she seldom falls sick (right mind power on self healing), she knows things that we hadn’t thought her, she observes before doing things … and she did it right the first time.

Another way of looking at it, read multiple intelligence, my child may not be a writer, she may not be a editor, she may not be a professor but she is gifted in her own ways … at least she is learning and participating. Currently we are very strict on discipline, although MS would be against it, but it does not mean we deprive her of love, what is an intelligent child without discipline grows up to be? A brilliant criminal or a very intelligent sloth. Just my take.

Hi babysweet,

I think that the problem u had face is actually most of the parents face it. Same goes to me.But the thing is,you must be relax. What others said is true,like KL said that u do not have to focus on result.Every children is different.Different capability,different attitude,different nature…
Its not that he did not focus means he did not achieve.Maybe he’s not not ready to show it.U don’t have worry to much,be positive and enjoy.

My first daughter is same like yours, she’s is 1 and 9month(21 month old).She’s refused the flashcard if I do the normal way.But what I do is I just pretend that she’s listening and I just continue the reading although she’s not focus and do something else.Not to say that I’m not feel worry at all, at the first place,I’m also feel worry,but I positively feel that our children need some times to explore things around them.

Until one day,I bought the face matching for my daughter(its a free download from brillbaby-thanks to vyonneyan),its about you have to put the eyes,nose,mouth,ear at the face, and I just ask her put eyes,and she take eyes,ear,she takes ear,and so on,and she put all the part is in the right place,oh my god!honestly I did not aspect that my baby can do that,but…what she do is really make me proud,because I tough almost the time before, she’s not listening. :slight_smile:

Beside,you can and should use creative way to present the flashcard or while do reading activities.Further more,13 month years old baby is hard to control,maybe he will behave,obey to direction at 2+,3 years old. Why don’t you try to do it while your child is bathing or eating at dining table.Or maybe u can have mine, I have to do a tricky way to attract her attention.What I do is I always ask her to pass the flashcard to her dad.I pass it to her and she pass to her dad.While passing I read and show the picture to her.Or if she’s in the playhouse,I will pass to her from her playhouse window, and she’s do great!

If your baby like animals,just do it in the beginning of reading session,but you just slot nicely different category.For examples,first show animals-bear,tiger,chicken,suddenly put a bus,lorry,then continue with animals,the slot other category in between…and so on).If he likes sound,put the sound.Use LR.Do what ever he likes first,let he enjoy reading,after that slowly you can do others activities,use the flashcard and activity sheet.

Further more, beside of homeschooling,it think that is not enough,lets our kids enjoy themselves on reading by sending them to early education centre.They need to have activities,drama,singing together with their friends,listen to song,and much more activity that can train their brain.Let them active.Let them positive on reading.Let them built their charisma.I always love what shischida do.Its an early education centre.Its from baby to 6 years(pre junior level) and standard one and above.Planning to send my kids there.But I think shischida is only at this three country,Japan,Singapore and of course my country,Malaysia.

But anyway you can find about it here,

On the other hand,food is important too.Give food that can build their memory.Like fish.Tuna fish,Sardine,Salmon,or you can give your child eat almond every day.It’s good for brain.

Glad to share. :clown:

Thank you all (jakim,octaviaorca, KL, trinity papa, qisdhi mom) for your replies. I feel much better now :slight_smile: after hearing your experiences.

After reading my post I recognized that I was not much clear about when we introduced LR to our. We introduce him at the age of 10 months. So its been 3 months in total.

He is much more interested in LR flash cards(mostly the ones with video and sound) and not the paper ones. But after reading your replies we thinker should be more creative in showing him paper flash cards. The paper flash cards that we have does not contain any pictures. Could that be the reason for his lack of interest?

I agree that we should really not focus on results but continue teaching our children. Thanks!

On the positive note: Our son now recognizes most of the animals,vehicles and fruits if we show him a book. And I think this could have been the result of showing him LR. So now I feel much more better. I was only worried about that after showing him the LR he was not much interested in reading/recognizing words. But that would get better by time.

Babysweet, of course we must have the picture,as a helpful, and make reading more interesting.try your best,be creative and ENJOY! :clown:

I just thought of a creative idea you may want to try. How bout writing the words in permanent marker on balloons? They’re typically pretty entertaining for the little ones. It could also be very useful for introducing colors.

Have fun! :slight_smile:


Probably your child learns by pictures more faster than he does with words. Kids learn in different ways, nothing to worry about, I think he is doing just fine, when you show him the pictures of the animals will be a good idea if you wrtie the word under the picture(in the same slide).Also when he eats in the high chair you can shoe him few flascards…also look to work with him in a time where he is relax, diaper clean, and probably drinking a bottle or after it. That’s what I do with my baby, she is really active (15 months) every morning after changing her diaper bring her to my bed, make her a bottle and play YBCR…she is so relax and easy to concentrate…I 've try to do it in a different time DO NOT WORK!! she just wants to play and pay attention to the video for few minutes or seconds and keeps playing.cames back…so on.
I hope that helps.
good luck

ohhh almost forget… I have the idea kids always need to be busy…reading, playing, etc…what I do is tape some flashcards in the back of the driver’s seat and co driver’s seat in our cars ,facing her… you thought how much time kids spend in the car seat… That helps me a lot, every three days I change the flascards and tape other ones, she memorized them all really good!!The best part is she loves them…she pints at them, makes the sound and sometimes says the word( she has few words vocabulary)while I am driving…don’t forget…we need to make it fun.

I think every parent likes it when their child shows that he/she knows something. And of course all children differ so some will show they know things earlier than others - just like some children will crawl at 6 months or younger and others will only crawl at a year or even older.

You are dealing with a toddler at a very sensitive stage - if I were you I would make sure that you read up general milestones for toddlers - though they have nothing to do with reading, at the same time they do. A child of 18 months is only expected to be able to point to a couple of pictures they recognise. A word is very much like a picture and so perhaps at 18 months you could expect your child to perhaps point to one word if you asked them to. By about 21 months they should be able to point to about 6 objects they recognise in pictures and name perhaps two. Again by about 21 months then you may hear your child read a word or two out loud. But this is then for the average child who you are trying to teach to read. Children differ so much - and that is why on here you hear of children reading words out loud at 12/14/16 months and others who will not read anything out loud (or even speak) til well past two years of age.

Just because your child doesn’t speak, it doesn’t stop you talking to him/her. Just because your child won’t read out loud or point to the correct word shouldn’t stop you showing him/her and reading the words to him/her.

Keep up the good work - one day she will surprise you more than you know.