Need help in GD math

Dear All,
We are studing GD Math (using cards 28*28 sm with red points) since 5 mos, my daughter already knows numbers 1…31. When we were near 20 I tried to start addition as GD recommends, but it doesn’t so easy for me. The matter is my Sophia can’t sit yet, I tried 3 position -

  1. on the back - it is hard to demonstrate 3 cards simultaniously, I’m confused and she is looking absent
  2. on the stomach - when cards in front of her on the floor - I guess she doesn’t see them
  3. on the stomach - when cards in front of her in vertical position near sofa she is also looking absent
    It seems too long for her
    Could you give me a piece of advice how you do it?

She doesn’t have a swing, bouncer chair, high chair, or portable car seat that she can sit in? You don’t have anyone who can hold her? Even a Boppy pillow or or a bunch of pillows around her will support her enough to sit up.

Put a few pillows around her and sit her up, it can work, what do you think? Oh, I just seen Nikki’s post, that has all the ideas :smiley: Hope it will work!


I had the same issue with my daughter when she was about your daughter’s age. I stopped the math program for about two weeks since she wasn’t enjoying it. Then we started again and she was full speed again! Back then we used to sit my dd on her rocker or in her high chair so she could see the cards well and we weren’t worry about her going sideways.

Regarding the equations, again, we had to wait a little bit longer to start them becuase she didn’t seem interested. I continued with my math flash cards (the numbers) and then one day I just started again and she was fine with it. I broke the equations in three sessions with three equations each. SOmetimes nos I can show them back to back and she is fine. So we are not 100% up to Doman’s schedule, but we have followed her lead and it seems to be paying off. She is now doing problem solving with my husband and is doind great. Now she is doing subtraction and gets very excited when she since the minus lol We do the numbers with flash cards and the equations in LM.

Hope this helps a bit! :slight_smile:

I’ve just tried to use two pillows, put my Sophiya between them and…excellent. It really works!!! Bubub-bubub - the answer from daughter was. :yes: :yes: :yes: We already know 3 additions!!!
Fantastic!!! Thanks girls!