need advise on buying books

i wanna buy some good books for my son. he is 30 months old. i am looking for books with large fonts and few sentences in a page. can anyone advise me on this… :rolleyes:

Masiy books are really nice for that. They have a few sentences per page and most have the text on a separate page. I have lots of book reviews on my blog of my favorites. You can check them out at

I will say , any book who has not so many pharses, maybe just one short phrase por page will be enough. That is a good begining or kids to start reading. or make it easier as well.
Also you can make books for him, what he likes…maybe balls,cars,animals,etc… and make a sentence por page and you can find pictures form magazines. That will be a fun proyect.
You can add sentences like;
The car is fast
the ball is fun
the dog is nice
The truck is big


The monkey is eating
The horse is running
The tiger is sleeping
The bear is playing…etc

Also I went couple of time to a second hand store to buy books for Catalina, I found really good ones and I paid $0.60 for each book…so cheap!I got like 20 books for less than $10. Incredible. This is another good option too.

thanks a lot Krista G and PY, i loved the idear of creating my own books :yes: ,i will try it
again thanks a lot :blush:

Hi Zaku,

If you go to my website and click on the video you will see my son reading the simple books I created for him. He could read complete sentences by 18 months old and I know the books were a large part of it. You can see it at and then click the video. I loved making books. I thought it was so much fun. I absolutely love to teach. It is my passion. I would go through magazines and cut out pictures and then create word and sentence books. I used copy paper, a black marker, plastic sheet protectors and a soft three ring binder. I have at least 75 books that I made. I even translated all my books into Spanish. If you like that style and have any questions just let me know.

Have fun:)

My advice FWIW:

Look at online lists of classic picture books. There are lists here on this site (even some I have made) and on many other sites. They are classics for a reason–kids love 'em, most of the time.

A few that stick in my mind from when my boy was reading the easier books are Little Bear, Dr. Seuss, most of the stuff by Margaret Wise Brown, many of the old Golden Books are still great, Harry the Dirty Dog, etc. Most of the simpler picture books have no more than a couple sentences per page.

If you seriously don’t have the first clue about little kids’ books, go to the library first with a list of classics and recommended books, and start looking at them. You’ll learn a lot that way… has previews, but when it comes to picture books they often don’t let you see the pictures.

You can get lots of help from book sellers and librarians of course.

No disrespect to the others answering you here, but I have no idea why anybody would make and/or print out a substandard book when you can buy or check out a really excellent, kid- and time-tested, professionally-published book. Just because you start with Doman, why does that mean that your use of books needs to be different from those of other parents and kids? Unless you are using the books to teach the child to read him- or herself…and even then, we never used the specific books meant to teach that stuff, apart from what you can find online at and For example, we never got those Bob Books, but perhaps you’d like those, many people appear to. Another early reader series we avoided like the plague was the Dick and Jane readers, which are back in print, but who knows, you might like 'em.

This is why people are talking about making their own books. It is hard to find books with both large font and short sentences. People want to use these types of books to teach reading.

I see. So you think the question is really not about books per se but only about books for Doman-style teaching. I never used such books with my little boy except on a screen, although there are some commercially produced actual books that fit the bill. I guess it’s particularly useful for little babies, who actually need the large font size, and if you don’t want to set them in front of a computer screen to look at a presentation there.

But if the question is really about books in general, definitely zaku shouldn’t discount all the other, better, actual books, which are excellent aids for all sorts of educational aims of course…

I have all kinds of books, but I think it is a lot easier to point as you read when there are big words and not a lot on the page. I don’t see how a small child is going to see individual words when there is a whole paragraph on the page.

I can’t disagree when it comes to very small children, but it does depend on how old the child is…

thanks krista G, daddude and nikki, :slight_smile: I want those kind of books because my son dose’nt pay attention when there are many sentences.he dont read sentences but he can read many words.
hi krista G i watched the vedio its really nice.I am going to create my own books. my son loves mokisee vedio,he watch a vedio clip from you tube, but i dont have the dvd, may be i would buy it from e bay if it is available. thanks a lot.


I don’t think it is available on Ebay right now but there are discount coupons in the Brillkids forum shop. If you get the 25% off coupon you can get a dvd for about $14.95.

My idea of a perfectly fun day is to sit and make books for my kids. I hope you enjoy it. They are also pretty durable. I have had many of my books for 8 years already and they are still in great shape.

Enjoy. :slight_smile:

Has anyone tried using Goodreads? I’ve been trying to find more books for my niece. Right now I am completely mesmerized with the Book “What To Do with an Idea” and bought two, one for my niece and one for my friend’s baby. Love the book!