Need advise, in what language should my son's nursery class?

We are Indonesian native and not too fluently speak in english. Since we live in HK, currently my son (22 months) is more introduced to english i.e speak to him more in english and less in Bahasa, flash card in english etc. Thinking that later when he enters school, which in english (still not sure yet, see :down: ), then I will start speaking more in Bahasa at home. Now, he understands more english words and even pronounce some english words better than his parents since he listens to songs, flash cards in iPad or tv.

The problem is, I want him to learn Mandarin also. Can anyone advise or share:

  • Should I put him to english nursery class to make his english pronunciation better? (since he listens to us more than all the gadget (screen time is very limited to him, I also flash him card by my self 3 times a day, again my pronunciation is not as good as native)
  • Or should i put him to Mandarin Nursery class so he can pick up some mandarin language in his early years and continue in english kindy later? my husband understands bit of Mandarin, but he works and spend less time with my son. But at least, he will talk in Mandarin if my son enter the Mandarin nursery class.

Would really love to hear your thoughts and sharing on this!
thank you

You mention that he can do Mandarin Nursery and switch to English for K and elementary.
Is there an opportunity to do Mandarin in K and elementary?

I think that maybe you should spend the time before elementary building as strong of foundation in Bahasa and English as possible. You want to be sure and give your toddler a full language to communicate with the world around him in. I think its most important that he have a chance to fully strengthen and develop his current languages.

Hi A,
I would advise you to do all three languages. I raised my kids in that environment, and also have taught parents how to do so - and everyone has great results :slight_smile:
If I understand you correctly, you speak Bahasa and English - concentrate on those. You can either designate a day or a time of the day for each language - the child can connect it to a time/ or share the responsibility with your spouse or friend - the child can connect it to a person.
You can do the above with 3 languages too. You don’t have to teach reading in all languages, although you can if you wan to, just make sure half an hour passes between occasions.
If you don’t speak Mandarin, put the child into a Chinese nursery, so he/she can learn it there - however, I wouldn’t make the nursery then a full time thing. Either half days, or half weeks should work better, so you can establish the other languages too.
if you need more help PM me.
All the best!