need advice for 6 months old baby

hi everyone my daughter going to be 6 months old next week she is not showing any sign for crawling what i have to do and she also not turning much but she is very active with the toys, she love to smile and shout alot…and what kind of toys and leaning tools should i give her. im:unsure: :confused: kindly advice me thank u.

Give it a little bit more time. Both of my boys started to crawl around 8 month old and I’ve heard it’s typical. It’s great that your little one likes to play with toys- I liked different textured toys, puppets, talking, singing toys, also finger paiting.

Hi jayr_999 ,

when my son was about that age , I keep toys bit far from him so he slowly try to grab it. babies are very fast learners, you just have to give them chance so once they get the idea they will know what to do next time.

Babies been with other crawling babies also helps.You could also keep baby on the floor on a said, and teach how roll over. …its fun for them. tummy time is also very important. and give more chance to crawl and roll.

thank u laralinn and zaa

Don’t worry too much about it. Every baby has it’s own development stage. As long as she’s taking her milk, sleep well and seem happy, I wouldn’t be worried at all.

Mine didn’t really learn to crawl until about 9 months or so. Even then, that’s just like dragging the leg around. She hardly crawl much and just like to sit around. I tried to put some toys around her to motivate her to crawl, but she would have a look and see if it’s too far, she rather just sit and cry till you pass her toy. She finally learned to walk at 15 months, and once she walk, she’s been walking so much ever since.

I guess some babies do skip the crawling stage.

I had twins and still there was around 1 month time difference in the activities both started doing.

my doctor advised me, and also me to you, that every baby is different and not
compare them with other babies.

Give her some more time.

  • Kreena


I have three children and they all crawled and walked at different times. As mentioned in earlier replies, don’t worry, each baby is different and children will achieve different milestones at different times. In fact, any milestone chart you see will have a little note attatched saying that they are only “average” ages for each developmental milestone and not hard and fast rules for when a child should reach a specific developmental goal.
It may help you (and your baby) if you join a moms and babies group in your community. Or, just get together with other friends that have babies. You will have other moms to talk with and share stories and advice. Also, as your baby sees other children rollling over, crawling, pulling up, walking, etc he/she will be encouraged to try these things as well.
I hope this is helpful.

Your baby is probably crawling by now but I just thought i’d share something we were taught at uni as a rough guideline for milestones so we can check if the gross motor development of our patient’s are on track. I always remembered it as ‘heads, shoulders, knees and toes’ and 3, 6, 9, 12. On average, by 3 months, a baby should have head control, by 6 months be sitting, by 9 months be crawling and around 12 months be walking. Of course lots of babies and early and late and this is normal too unless it is significant. I always tell my patients, for there to be an average there has to be someone who is earlier and someone who is later!